
AsMailk indicatore che mostra se avete posta o meno.

Prima di tutto, asMail non è un client di posta elettronica come molti sembrano credere.

asMail xbiff è un clone, vale a dire che appena ti dice se hai e-mail o meno. Non scaricare, inviare o eliminare tutti i messaggi.

E 'solo un indicatore che mostra se avete posta o meno.

Caratteristiche più importanti della versione corrente (0.55):
L'immagine “http://www.it.lastminute.com/lmn/banner/it/weekend/ponti_08_affiliati/468x60.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

* POP3 Support
* IMAP Support
* Maildir Support (standard Unix mailfile)
* Multiple mailboxes
* Afterstep wharf

download from sourceforge: www.sourceforge.net

latest debian package: www.debian.org

Stable releases

sourceforge.net download tuwien.ac.at download
asmail 0.56 asmail-0.56.tar.gz asmail-0.56.tar.gz
asmail 0.56-1.deb asmail-0.56-1.deb asmail-0.56-1.deb
asmail 0.56.1-src.rpm asmail-0.56.1-src.rpm asmail-0.56.1-src.rpm
asmail 0.56.1-i586.rpm asmail-0.56.1-i586.rpm asmail-0.56.1-i586.rpm

asmail 0.55 asmail-0.55.tar.gz asmail-0.55.tar.gz
asmail 0.54 asmail-0.54.tar.gz asmail-0.54.tar.gz
asmail 0.53 asmail-0.53.tar.gz asmail-0.53.tar.gz
asmail 0.52-1 asmail-0.52-1.tar.gz asmail-0.52-1.tar.gz

Patches ftp download


First of all, asMail is NOT an e-mail client as many seem to believe. asMail is a xbiff clone, i.e. it just tells you if you got e-mail or not. It does not download, send or delete any messages.

It is just a sweet little indicator that shows you if you have got mail or not.

Most important features of the current version (0.55):

* POP3 Support
* IMAP Support
* Maildir Support (standard Unix mailfile)
* Multiple mailboxes
* Afterstep wharf

L'immagine “http://www.iminuti.com/vit_img/affiliation/468_60_Kdo_01.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.
Download Mirrors for asMail are located at Tigrs Afterstep applet page and at tuwien.ac.at.

Devel snapshots

ftp download
asmail 0.6-devel1 asmmail-0.6.devel1.tar.gz



Ultimi post pubblicati

Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

Archmbox, semplice archiviatore per la posta elettronica presente in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex"

Archmbox è un semplice archiviatore per la posta elettronica. Consente una selezione dei messaggi in base a diversi tipi di parametri ed è in grado di visualizzare, archiviare eliminare o fare copia dei messaggi selezionati. E` scritto in perl ed è disponibile per tutte le principali varianti di UNIX.

archmbox 4.10.0 was released.

It's been more than three years from the last release of archmbox, and now here we are again. I'd like to than all contributors for their enthusiasm that pushed me to start working again on this piece of software. This release is not a milestone, and won't probably change the way you archive emails; by the way, there are some nice features that worth a try:

* option to customize the archive mailbox name was added
* support for logical and in regular expressions based archiving was added

The usual code cleanups and revisions were performed as well.

Offerte telefono + ADSL di TELE2



release 4.10.0

* option to customize the archive mailbox name was added (thanks to
Juergen Descher).
* support for logical and in regular expressions based archiving was
added (thanks to Juergen Descher).
* code cleanups and other improvents were performed.

Archmbox is a simple email archiver written in perl; it parses one or more mailboxes, selects some or all messages and then performs specific actions on the selected messages.
At this time archmbox supports mbox and mbx mailbox formats.

Four different modes are available:

* list mode, which is useful to list all selected messages before archmbox performs the real operations (archiving or deleting)
* kill mode, if messages should be deleted from the mailbox(es) rather than archived
* archive mode, to archive the selected messages in a different mailbox
* copy mode, to copy the selected messages from the source mailbox

Messages selection is based upon a date criteria; an absolute date or a days offset can be specified. It is also possible to refine the selection using regular expressions on the header fields of the message.
All archived messages are stored in a new mailbox with the same name of the original one plus .archived as extension (this is the default, but can be changed); the archive mailbox can be saved in gz or bz2 compressed format as well.

Archmbox was successfully tested on the following platforms:

* Linux
* FreeBSD
* NetBSD
* OpenBSD
* MacOS X
* Sun Solaris

A little hack is needed for Sun Solaris; please read here or the INSTALL file included with the distribution for further details.
Archmbox is a perl based script with no additional module other than the standard ones provided with normal perl distributions.
It has been developed and tested on a Linux system with perl 5.6.1.
Archmbox also uses some standard shell binaries: fuser, rm, cat, cp, gzip. If fuser is not available on the system, lsof or fstat can be used as a replacement.
bzip2 is needed only if you want to use bzip compression with archive mailboxes.
An external converter is required to handle mbx mailboxes. At this time support for mbxcvt and mailutil is available. If you use a different convert and want it to be supported, feel free to write me.

L'immagine “http://download.skype.com/share/banners/affiliate/2007/sw/it/skypein/it_skypein_468x60.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

Release notes
These are the changes in the latest release (4.10.0):

* option to customize the archive mailbox name was added
* support for logical and in regular expressions based archiving was added
* code cleanups and other improvents were performed

A full development history can be found in the CHANGESLOG...
The latest release of archmbox is available from the SourceForge Files Section

These are the md5 sums for the available releases:

* archmbox-4.10.0.tar.gz: 44f9f155d45d2eae4b9de33314adf841
* archmbox-4.9.0.tar.gz: 15ef4fb0e83e10022264bebcd0138ff1

Available binaries:

* FreeBSD : i386 FreeBSD port (maintained by Talal Al-Dik)
* OpenDarwin : OpenDarwin port (maintained by Markus Weissmann)
* Debian : Debian package (maintained by Alberto Furia)

Ultimi post pubblicati


Giochi Java    468x60

Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

Nuova versione 0.28 per FreePOPs

FreePOPs è un programma facilmente estendibile, che permette di accedere alle risorse più differenti attraverso il protocollo POP3.

Principalmente può essere utilizzato per scaricare la posta dalle più famose webmail, ma può anche servire come aggregator per feed RSS ed altro ancora. In questo modo è possibile consultare tutti i propri messaggi utilizzando il proprio client email preferito.

Ecco allora che in aiuto dell’utente ci sono le guide (in italiano) in formato PDF e HTML, la documentazione in lingua inglese per lo sviluppatore (è possibile contribuire allo sviluppo essendo una risorsa GNU/GPL) e un tutorial che si articola in quattro punti.

Offerte telefono + ADSL di TELE2

Il file di installazione “pesa” appena 1,2MB.

Versione 0.2.8
Some new features for developers
Many changes for developers, and many fixes:

* Added gettext support (thanks blackmoon)
* Added support to Windows Event Logging (lwel module) and smart logging facility (smartlog module)
* CURL library bindings revamped to version 7.18.1 to help the development of the hotmail plugin
* MacOSX startup script fixed, thanks nx2000car
* Too many fixes in plugins to be listed, thanks to all contributors


Per installare un aggiornamento semplicemente scarica il file e mettilo al posto di quello con lo stesso nome che viene distribuito con FreePOPs.

I plugin non ufficiali non sono considerati sufficientemente stabili per essere inclusi nella release standard. Sono comunque scaricabili dal sito.

Dalla versione 0.0.21 esiste una directory speciale dove tali plugin devono essere messi.Se usi Unix allora la directory giusta è probabilmente /usr/share/freepops/lua_unofficial.

Non è più necessario modificare config.lua, basta metter il file del plugin nella directory speciale.


FreePOPs è l' unico software che conosciamo con queste features:

* Server POP3 compliant con RFC (non con tutte le features, ma compliant).
* Portabile (scritto in C e LUA il quale è scritto in C, quindi tutto è scritto nel linguaggio più portabile del mondo).
* Piccolo (in termini di risorse utilizzate) e ragionevolmente veloce.
* Estremamente estendibile al volo mediante un linguaggio semplice e potente.
* Piuttosto documentato.
* Rilasciato sotto la licenza GNU/GPL (questo significa che FreePOPs è Software Libero).



Questi sono i plugin correntemente inclusi in FreePOPs:

abv.lua (abv.bg)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @abv.bg, @gyuvetch.bg, @gbg.bg
aggregator.lua (RSS/RDF aggregator)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @aggregator, @...
aol.lua (aol.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @aol.com, @aol.com.ar, @aol.fr, @aol.com.mx, @aol.com.au, @aol.de, @aol.com.pr, @aol.com.br, @jp.aol.com, @aol.com.uk, @aol.ca, @aola.com, @aim.com
davmail.lua (DAVMAIL)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @lycos.co.uk, @lycos.ch, @lycos.de, @lycos.es, @lycos.it, @lycos.at, @lycos.nl, @spray.se, @jubii.dk
excite.lua (excite)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @excite.com, @myway.com
fastmail.lua (fastmail.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @123mail.org, @150mail.com, @150ml.com, @16mail.com, @2-mail.com, @4email.net, @50mail.com, @airpost.net, @allmail.net, @bestmail.us, @cluemail.com, @elitemail.org, @emailgroups.net, @emailplus.org, @emailuser.net, @eml.cc, @fastem.com, @fast-email.com, @fastemail.us, @fastemailer.com, @fastest.cc, @fastimap.com, @fastmail.cn, @fastmail.com.au, @fastmail.fm, @fastmail.us, @fastmail.co.uk, @fastmail.to, @fmail.co.uk, @fast-mail.org, @fastmailbox.net, @fastmessaging.com, @fea.st, @f-m.fm, @fmailbox.com, @fmgirl.com, @fmguy.com, @ftml.net, @hailmail.net, @imap.cc, @imap-mail.com, @imapmail.org, @internet-e-mail.com, @internetemails.net, @internet-mail.org, @internetmailing.net, @jetemail.net, @justemail.net, @letterboxes.org, @mailandftp.com, @mailas.com, @mailbolt.com, @mailc.net, @mailcan.com, @mail-central.com, @mailforce.net, @mailftp.com, @mailhaven.com, @mailingaddress.org, @mailite.com, @mailmight.com, @mailnew.com, @mail-page.com, @mailsent.net, @mailservice.ms, @mailup.net, @mailworks.org, @ml1.net, @mm.st, @myfastmail.com, @mymacmail.com, @nospammail.net, @ownmail.net, @petml.com, @postinbox.com, @postpro.net, @proinbox.com, @promessage.com, @realemail.net, @reallyfast.biz, @reallyfast.info, @rushpost.com, @sent.as, @sent.at, @sent.com, @speedpost.net, @speedymail.org, @ssl-mail.com, @swift-mail.com, @the-fastest.net, @theinternetemail.com, @the-quickest.com, @veryfast.biz, @veryspeedy.net, @warpmail.net, @xsmail.com, @yepmail.net, @your-mail.com
flatnuke.lua (flatnuke)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @flatnuke, @...
gmail.lua (GMail.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @gmail.com
hotmail.lua (hotmail.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @hotmail.com, @msn.com, @webtv.com, @charter.com, @compaq.net, @passport.com, @hotmail.de, @hotmail.it, @hotmail.co.uk, @hotmail.co.jp, @hotmail.fr, @messengeruser.com, @hotmail.com.ar, @hotmail.co.th, @hotmail.com.tr, @milanosemplice.it

zanox Partner promuovono Partner

juno.lua (juno.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @netzero.net, @netzero.com, @juno.com
kernel.lua (kernel.org Changelog viewer)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @kernel.org, @kernel.org.24, @kernel.org.26
libero.lua (Libero.IT)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @libero.it, @inwind.it, @iol.it, @blu.it
lycos.lua (Lycos.IT (this plugin doesn't work!))
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @...
mail2world.lua (mail2world.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @mail2*.com
mailcom.lua (mail.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @mail.com, @email.com, @iname.com, @cheerful.com, @consultant.com, @europe.com, @mindless.com, @earthling.net, @myself.com, @post.com, @techie.com, @usa.com, @writeme.com, @2die4.com, @artlover.com, @bikerider.com, @catlover.com, @cliffhanger.com, @cutey.com, @doglover.com, @gardener.com, @hot-shot.com, @inorbit.com, @loveable.com, @mad.scientist.com, @playful.com, @poetic.com, @popstar.com, @popstarmail.org, @saintly.com, @seductive.com, @soon.com, @whoever.com, @winning.com, @witty.com, @yours.com, @africamail.com, @arcticmail.com, @asia.com, @australiamail.com, @europe.com, @japan.com, @samerica.com, @usa.com, @berlin.com, @dublin.com, @london.com, @madrid.com, @moscowmail.com, @munich.com, @nycmail.com, @paris.com, @rome.com, @sanfranmail.com, @singapore.com, @tokyo.com, @accountant.com, @adexec.com, @allergist.com, @alumnidirector.com, @archaeologist.com, @chemist.com, @clerk.com, @columnist.com, @comic.com, @consultant.com, @counsellor.com, @deliveryman.com, @diplomats.com, @doctor.com, @dr.com, @engineer.com, @execs.com, @financier.com, @geologist.com, @graphic-designer.com, @hairdresser.net, @insurer.com, @journalist.com, @lawyer.com, @legislator.com, @lobbyist.com, @minister.com, @musician.org, @optician.com, @pediatrician.com, @presidency.com, @priest.com, @programmer.net, @publicist.com, @realtyagent.com, @registerednurses.com, @repairman.com, @representative.com, @rescueteam.com, @scientist.com, @sociologist.com, @teacher.com, @techie.com, @technologist.com, @umpire.com, @02.to, @111.ac, @123post.com, @168city.com, @2friend.com, @65.to, @852.to, @86.to, @886.to, @aaronkwok.net, @acmilan-mail.com, @allstarstats.com, @amrer.net, @amuro.net, @amuromail.com, @anfieldroad-mail.com, @arigatoo.net, @arsenal-mail.com, @barca-mail.com, @baseball-mail.com, @basketball-mail.com, @bayern-munchen.com, @birmingham-mail.com, @blackburn-mail.com, @bsdmail.com, @bsdmail.org, @c-palace.com, @celtic-mail.com, @charlton-mail.com, @chelsea-mail.com, @china139.com, @chinabyte.com, @chinahot.net, @chinarichholdings.com, @coolmail.ac, @coventry-mail.com, @cseek.com, @cutemail.ac, @daydiary.com, @dbzmail.com, @derby-mail.com, @dhsmail.org, @dokodemo.ac, @doomo.net, @doramail.com, @e-office.ac, @e-yubin.com, @eracle.com, @eu-mail.net, @everton-mail.com, @eyah.com, @ezagenda.com, @fastermail.com, @femail.ac, @fiorentina-mail.com, @football-mail.com, @forest-mail.com, @freeid.net, @fulham-mail.com, @gaywiredmail.com, @genkimail.com, @gigileung.org, @glay.org, @globalcom.ac, @golf-mail.com, @graffiti.net, @gravity.com.au, @hackermail.com, @highbury-mail.com, @hitechweekly.com, @hkis.org, @hkmag.com, @hkomail.com, @hockey-mail.com, @hollywood-mail.com, @ii-mail.com, @iname.ru, @inboexes.org, @inboxes.com, @inboxes.net, @inboxes.org, @insingapore.com, @intermilan-mail.com, @ipswich-mail.com, @isleuthmail.com, @jane.com.tw, @japan1.org, @japanet.ac, @japanmail.com, @jayde.com, @jcom.ac, @jedimail.com, @joinme.com, @joyo.com, @jpn1.com, @jpol.net, @jpopmail.com, @juve-mail.com, @juventus-mail.com, @juventusmail.net, @kakkoii.net, @kawaiimail.com, @kellychen.com, @keromail.com, @kichimail.com, @kitty.cc, @kittymail.com, @kittymail.net, @lazio-mail.com, @lazypig.net, @leeds-mail.com, @leicester-mail.com, @leonlai.net, @linuxmail.org, @liverpool-mail.com, @luvplanet.net, @mailasia.com, @mailjp.net, @mailpanda.com, @mailunion.com, @man-city.com, @manu-mail.com, @marchmail.com, @markguide.com, @maxplanet.com, @megacity.com, @middlesbrough-mail.com, @miriamyeung.com, @miriamyeung.com.hk, @myoffice.ac, @nctta.org, @netmarketingcentral.com, @nettalk.ac, @newcastle-mail.com, @nihonjin1.com, @nihonmail.com, @norikomail.com, @norwich-mail.com, @old-trafford.com, @operamail.com, @otakumail.com, @outblaze.net, @outgun.com, @pakistans.com, @pokefan.com, @portugalnet.com, @powerasia.com, @qpr-mail.com, @rangers-mail.com, @realmadrid-mail.com, @regards.com, @ronin1.com, @rotoworld.com, @samilan.com, @searcheuropemail.com, @sexymail.ac, @sheff-wednesday.com, @slonline.net, @smapxsmap.net, @southampton-mail.com, @speedmail.ac, @sports-mail.com, @starmate.com, @sunderland-mail.com, @sunmail.ac, @supermail.ac, @supermail.com, @surfmail.ac, @surfy.net, @taiwan.com, @talknet.ac, @teddy.cc, @tennis-mail.com, @tottenham-mail.com, @utsukushii.net, @uymail.com, @villa-mail.com, @webcity.ca, @webmail.lu, @welcomm.ac, @wenxuecity.net, @westham-mail.com, @wimbledon-mail.com, @windrivers.net, @wolves-mail.com, @wongfaye.com, @worldmail.ac, @worldweb.ac, @isleuthmail.com, @x-lab.cc, @xy.com.tw, @yankeeman.com, @yyhmail.com, @verizonmail.com, @lycos.com, @cyberdude.com, @mail.org, @italymail.com, @mexico.com, @india.com, @u2club.com, @royal.net


monitor.lua (monitor)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @monitor
netscape.lua (netscape.net)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @netscape.net
orange.lua (Orange (ex Wanadoo))
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @fsmail.net, @wanadoo.nl, @orange.nl, @bedrijfsnaam.nl
popforward.lua (POPforward)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @...
softhome.lua (softhome.net)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @softhome.net
squirrelmail.lua (SquirrelMail)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @...
supereva.lua (Supereva)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @supereva.it, @supereva.com, @freemail.it, @freeweb.org, @mybox.it, @superdada.com, @cicciociccio.com, @mp4.it, @dadacasa.com, @clarence.com, @concento.it, @dada.net
tin.lua (Tin.IT)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @tin.it, @virgilio.it, @alice.it, @tim.it, @atlantide.it
tre.lua (Tre)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @tre.it, @three.com.au
updater.lua (updater)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @updater
yahoo.lua (yahoo.com)
Questo plugin supporta i seguenti domini: @yahoo.com, @yahoo.ie, @yahoo.it, @yahoo.ca, @rocketmail.com, @yahoo.com.ar, @yahoo.co.in, @yahoo.co.id, @yahoo.com.tw, @yahoo.co.uk, @yahoo.com.cn, @yahoo.es, @yahoo.de, @talk21.com, @btinternet.com, @yahoo.com.au, @yahoo.co.nz, @ymail.com, @yahoo.in

L'immagine “http://www.belliobrutti.it/tradedoubler/registrazione_eu/468x60_banner_EU.gif” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

Ultimi post pubblicati


Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

Pine programma per leggere, inviare news ed e-mail

Pine, acronimo di "Program for Internet News & Email", è un client di posta elettronica. È un programma per leggere, inviare news ed e-mail, ma gestisce solo messaggi in formato testo.

Nato nel 1989 all'Università di Washington in Seattle, installabile sia su Unix che su Windows, è estremamente flessibile e può essere configurato a piacere dall'utente.
Alpine è un programma con interfaccia testuale (non grafica) che permette di gestire velocemente, anche grazie ai comodi comandi da tastiera, grandi quantità di messaggi.

E’ adatto quindi a chi riceve o spedisce - e a molti succede, soprattutto al lavoro - notevoli quantità di posta elettronica. Poi funziona su tutte le versioni di Linux/Unix e su Windows, e ora c’è anche la versione web. E’ disponibile poi anche nei repository di Ubuntu Linux, per cui può essere semplicemente installato su questo tramite Synaptic o con il comando

apt-get install alpine

Pine (a Program for Internet News & Email) è un software a marchio registrato, mentre Alpine viene distribuito con licenza Apache 2.0. Entrambi sono stati sviluppati dallo stesso team della University of Washington che ha inventato il protocollo IMAP, ed è quindi ideale per l’accesso a caselle IMAP. Da pochi giorni Gmail, il servizio email gratuito di Google, ha reso disponibile l’accesso IMAP a tutte le sue caselle. E’ possibile quindi, dopo aver attivato l’accesso IMAP sulla nostra casella Gmail, configurare Alpine per utilizzarle.

Per fare questo, occorre configurare una nuova Collectionlist, cioè un nuovo gruppo di cartelle.

1. Aprire il menù principale (tasto M)
2. Setup (tasto S)
3. collectionLists (tasto L)
4. Add (tasto A)
5. in Nickname inserire il nome che vogliamo utilizzare per il gruppo, ad esempio Gmail
6. in Server, inserire la stringa
(nomutente deve ovviamente essere sostituito col proprio nome utente Gmail)
(se si utilizza Google Apps per il proprio dominio, gmail.com va sostituito con il nome di questo dominio)
7. Salvare e uscire con CTRL+x
8. A questo punto il programma, dopo aver chiesto la password dell’account Gmail, accederà al server.
9. Uscire dal Setup con il tasto E
10. Aprire il nuovo gruppo di cartelle dal menù principale -> Folder list -> Gmail

Compariranno tutte le cartelle standard, compresa la INBOX e, se abbiamo creato delle etichette, anche una cartella per ognuna di queste.

468x60.gif Parla ItaliaSenzaLimiti

Pine for Linux
For added convenience, we now include packages for the two main styles of packaging systems, the RedHat/Fedora RPM-style packaging system, and the Debian dpkg-style system. Likewise, the scripts to build these packages and instructions on how to use them are included in the pine distribution under the packages directory.

The RPM packages will likely work across the most recent versions of RedHat and Fedora, with a good chance of also working on Mandrake or SuSE, which also use the RPM system.

Failing all else, you can still download and build Pine as you would on any other Unix system.

Downloads available:

RedHat/Fedora RPM package built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3
pine-4.64-1.i386.rpm, binary package MD5: 78cb63eb00769c4390d71a5d725caff2 pine-4.64-1.src.rpm, source package MD5: 5c5122e256acb8302e76d8f83f7f11ad
RPM installation instructions

Debian .deb package built on Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
pine_4.64_i386.deb package MD5: 4cdc6c60dbe8e47829189194b8cbd99a
.deb installation instructionsThese packages include Pine, Pico, and other smaller programs that are also part of a standard pine build. UW-Imapd, which is also part of a standard Pine build, is a program of which it is recommended to have a better understanding, and is thus not included in these Pine packages.

Installing RPMs

For most cases, it should be enough simply to grab the first binary package and run the following command:

rpm -ivh pine-4.64-1.i386.rpm

This installation should succeed on most recent RedHat and Fedora systems, and will likely succeed on recent Mandrake systems as well. Other useful rpm commands include:
rpm -Uvh pine-4.64-1.i386.rpm
to upgrade an existing pine installation, and
rpm -e pine
to uninstall an existing pine installation.

If installing the binary RPM fails, you will quite likely succeed by installing from the source RPM. You can build from source RPM either by installing the RPM as you would the binary one, building it using the pine.spec file that gets put in the SPECS directory, or by running the command
rpmbuild --rebuild pine-4.64-1.i386.src.rpm
Both of these methods require having sufficient permissions to build in the source directory; consult the instructions for building using spec files in packages/README to better understand how to do this.

Installing .debs

To install the .deb package, the following command should suffice:

dpkg -i pine_4.64_i386.deb

Uninstalling the package can be done by running the command
dpkg -r pine


As with building RPMs, the pine distribution includes a collection of files for building .deb files yourself.

Pine Mirror sites

Sites mirroring the UW anonymous FTP server (ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine/) provide Pine software to users around the world. These sites should contain the latest version of Pine, as found on the University of Washington's server. Contact the mirror site maintainers directly for questions about their site.

Country URL for Pine on mirror site

Austria http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/infosys/mail/pine/

Canada http://pine.mirror.cygnal.ca

Costa Rica ftp://ftp.ucr.ac.cr/pub/Unix/mail/pine
(excludes non-compressed Unix binaries)

Czech Republic ftp://ftp.eunet.cz/pub/comm/mail/pine/

Estonia ftp://ftp.ut.ee/pub/unix/mail/pine/

France http://mirror.internet.tp/pine/

Germany ftp://ftp.uni-magdeburg.de/pub/mirror/ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine/

Greece http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/net/mail/pine/


Hong Kong http://download.stmc.edu.hk/pine/

Italy ftp://cis.uniroma2.it/unix/packages/PINE/

Poland ftp://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/unix/mail/pine/


Taiwan ftp://ftp.nctu.edu.tw/Network/mail/pine

Romania ftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine

United Kingdom http://www.sunsite.org.uk/sites/ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine/

United States

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Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

Breve panorama dei client email presenti nella nuova versione di Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, parte seconda

Continuando con la nostra serie di segnalazione relative ai programmi ed utility di email client inserite nel nuovo Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex di default, cioè instalabili direttamente tramite i repository Universe con Synaptic oppure con il classico sudo, oggi proponiamo:

fakepop (10) [universe]
fake pop3 daemon. delivers same messages to all users
fdm (1.5-3) [universe]
fetching, filtering and delivering emails
fetchmail (6.3.8-11ubuntu3)
SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
fetchmailconf (6.3.8-11ubuntu3) [universe]
fetchmail configurator
fetchyahoo (2.12.0alpha13-1) [universe]
Retrieve mail from Yahoo!'s webmail service
filter (2.6.3-1) [universe]
A program that filters local email via forward/pipe
flim (1:1.14.9-2) [universe]
library about internet message for emacsen
FreePOPs per accedere alle risorse più differenti attraverso il protocollo POP3

FreePOPs è un programma facilmente estendibile, che permette di accedere alle risorse più differenti attraverso il protocollo POP3.

Principalmente può essere utilizzato per scaricare la posta dalle più famose webmail, ma può anche servire come aggregator per feed RSS ed altro ancora. In questo modo è possibile consultare tutti i propri messaggi utilizzando il proprio client email preferito.

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download

FuzzyOCR è un plugin molto utile specie contro le nuove tattiche ideate dagli spammer

FuzzyOcr è un plugin di spamassassinspamassassin grazie al quale è possibile individuare determinate parole all' interno di una gif

E' molto utile specie contro le nuove tattiche ideate dagli spammer, quelle in cui viene mandata una mail dal testo apparentemente "innocente" e in cima, a metà, o al fondo, viene applicata una bella immagine (nel 90% dei casi una gif) contenente della pubblicità.

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download

fullquottel (0.1.2-1) [universe]
Recognizes top-posted e-mail and usenet replies
gbuffy (0.2.6-13) [universe]
A GTK+-based, XBuffy-like multiple mailbox "biff" program
getlive (0.57-1) [universe]
fetch mail from your Hotmail Live account
getmail4 (4.7.8-1) [universe]
mail retriever with support for POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS
geximon (0.7.6-2) [universe]
a monitor for the exim MTA
gkrellm-mailwatch (2.4.3-1) [universe]
GKrellM plugin to watch mailboxes in multiple panels
gmail-notify (1.6.1-3ubuntu3) [universe]
A Gmail Notifier
gnarwl (3.3-8.5) [universe]
Email autoresponder based on LDAP
gnubiff (2.2.10-1ubuntu1) [universe]
A mail notification program for GNOME (and others)
gnumail.app (1.2.0~pre3+snap20071004-4build1) [universe]
fully featured mail application
gnumail.app-dbg (1.2.0~pre3+snap20071004-4build1) [universe]
fully featured mail application (debugging symbols)
gotmail (0.9.0-1) [universe]
utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account
graphdefang (2.64-4) [universe]
grapher for MIMEDefang spam and virus logs
grepmail (5.3033-4) [universe]
search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
greylistd (0.8.7) [universe]
Greylisting daemon for use with Exim 4
gurgitate-mail (1.10.0-1) [universe]
E-mail processor and filter with configuration files in ruby
gyrus (0.3.7-1) [universe]
GNOME tool for Cyrus-IMAP servers administration
hashcash (1.21-1) [universe]
postage payment scheme for email based on hash calculations
heirloom-mailx (12.3+cvs20080629-1) [universe]
feature-rich BSD mail(1)
hotsmtp (1:0.8.4-2.3) [universe]
SMTP to Hotmail (HTTPmail) gateway
hotway (1:0.8.4-2.3) [universe]
POP3 to Hotmail (HTTPmail) gateway
htag (0.0.24-1) [universe]
A tagline/.signature adder for email, news and FidoNet messages
iceape-mailnews (1.1.12+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) [universe]
dummy upgrade package for SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups and Address Book
ifile (1.3.8-1) [universe]
a text/e-mail/spam filter capable of learning
im (1:149-2) [universe]
mail/news handling commands and Perl modules
imapfilter (1:2.0.10-1) [universe]
filter mail in your IMAP account
imapproxy (1.2.6-4) [universe]
IMAP protocol proxy
ipopd (7:2007b~dfsg-2) [universe]
POP2 and POP3 mail server
isoqlog (2.2.1-2) [universe]
Mail Transport Agent log analysis program
isync (1.0.4-1) [universe]
Synchronize a local maildir with a remote IMAP4 mailbox
ixbiff (0.03d+nmu1) [universe]
notify user when mail arrives by blinking keyboard LEDs
jppy-lbdb-module (0.0.45-1ubuntu1) [universe]
lbdb module to interface with jppy
junkfilter (20030115-2) [universe]
A junk-email filtering program for procmail
kbiff (3.8.0-0ubuntu6) [universe]
KDE mail notification utility
kmail (4:4.1.2-0ubuntu2)
KDE Email client
kolab-cyrus-admin (2.2.13-5build1) [universe]
Cyrus mail system (administration tool)
kolab-cyrus-clients (2.2.13-5build1) [universe]
Cyrus mail system (test clients)
kolab-cyrus-common (2.2.13-5build1) [universe]
Cyrus mail system (common files)
kolab-cyrus-imapd (2.2.13-5build1) [universe]
Cyrus mail system (IMAP support)
kolab-cyrus-pop3d (2.2.13-5build1) [universe]
Cyrus mail system (POP3 support)
kolab-resource-handlers (2.1.0-20070510-3) [universe]
Kolab free/busy scripts
kolabd (2.1.0-20070510.dfsg-3) [universe]
groupware server
kuvert (2.0.0) [universe]
A wrapper that encrypts or signs outgoing mail
lbdb (0.36)
The little brother's database for the mutt mail reader
libdspam7-dev (3.6.8-8ubuntu2) [universe]
DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libdspam7-drv-db4 (3.6.8-8ubuntu2) [universe]
DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libdspam7-drv-mysql (3.6.8-8ubuntu2) [universe]
DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libdspam7-drv-pgsql (3.6.8-8ubuntu2) [universe]
DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libdspam7-drv-sqlite3 (3.6.8-8ubuntu2) [universe]
DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libmultisync-plugin-evolution (0.82-8.1ubuntu2) [universe]
Ximian Evolution plugin for MultiSync
libtinymail-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail
libtinymail-camel-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - Camel library
libtinymail-camel-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - Camel library
libtinymail-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail
libtinymail-gnomevfs-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - GnomeVFS library
libtinymail-gnomevfs-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - GnomeVFS library
libtinymail-maemo-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - Maemo library
libtinymail-maemo-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - Maemo library
libtinymail-tp-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - Telepathy library
libtinymail-tp-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - Telepathy library
libtinymailui-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - UI library
libtinymailui-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - UI library
libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - GTK+ library
libtinymailui-gtk-dev (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - GTK+ library
libtinymailui-gtkhtml-1.0-0 (0.0.9-2) [universe]
Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - gtkhtml library
lsdb (0.11-10) [universe]
The Lovely Sister Database (email rolodex) for Emacs
lsmbox (2.1.0-2) [universe]
List number of total/unread messages for mailboxes
lurker (2.1-10) [universe]
archive tool for mailing lists with search engine
mailagent (1:3.1-24-1) [universe]
An automatic mail-processing tool and filter.
mailcheck (1.91.2-2) [universe]
Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail
mailcrypt (3.5.8+CVS.2005.04.29.1-12) [universe]
An Emacs interface to the GNU Privacy Guard
maildir-bulletin (0.69) [universe]
Deliver bulletins directly to the users' Maildir.
maildir-filter (1.20-2) [universe]
Simple program to filter messages into Maildir folders from dot-qmail
maildirsync (1.1-2) [universe]
simple and efficient Maildir synchronisation utility
maildrop (2.0.4-3) [universe]
mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
mailfilter (0.8.1-1.1) [universe]
A program that filters your incoming e-mail to help remove spam
mailfront (1.11-1) [universe]
mail server network protocol front-ends
mailleds (0.93-13) [universe]
Blink the keyboard-LEDs for incoming mail
mailliststat (1.3-4) [universe]
Displays statistics about mbox files
mailman (1:2.1.10-2)
Powerful, web-based mailing list manager
mailody-kde4 (1.5.0~alpha1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
A mail client based on the Akonadi framework
mailplate (0.2-1) [universe]
reformat mail drafts according to templates
mailscanner (4.68.8-1) [universe]
email gateway for virus scanning, spam and phishing detection
mailsync (5.2.2-1build3) [universe]
Synchronize IMAP mailboxes
mailtextbody (0.1.2-1) [universe]
Tool to return the body of an email message
mailutils (1:1.2+dfsg1-2build1) [universe]
GNU mailutils utilities for handling mail
mailutils-mh (1:1.2+dfsg1-2build1) [universe]
GNU mailutils-based MH utilities
mailx (1:20071201-3)
Transitional package for mailx rename
virtual package provided by heirloom-mailx, mailutils, bsd-mailx
mairix (0.21-1) [universe]
indexes and searches email in locally stored email
masqmail (0.2.21-4) [universe]
A mailer for hosts without permanent internet connection
mbot (0.3-7) [universe]
A multi purpose mail robot
mboxgrep (0.7.9-1) [universe]
Grep through mailboxes
metamail (2.7-54) [universe]
implementation of MIME
mew (1:5.2-4) [universe]
mail reader supporting PGP/MIME for Emacs
virtual package provided by mew-beta
mew-beta (6.0.51-1) [universe]
mail reader supporting PGP/MIME for Emacs (development version)
mew-beta-bin (6.0.51-1) [universe]
external commands for Mew (development version)
mew-bin (1:5.2-4) [universe]
external commands for Mew
virtual package provided by mew-beta-bin
mh-e (8.0.3-3) [universe]
Emacs interface to the MH mail system
mhonarc (2.6.16-1) [universe]
Mail to HTML converter
milter-greylist (3.0-3.1ubuntu2) [universe]
GreyList milter for sendmail
mime-construct (1.9) [universe]
construct/send MIME messages from the command line
mimedecode (1.9-4) [universe]
Decodes transfer encoded text type mime messages
mimedefang (2.64-4) [universe]
e-mail filter program for sendmail
mimefilter (1.7) [universe]
Strips some unwanted MIME parts out of a MIME message.
minimalist (2.5.3-4) [universe]
MINImalistic MAiling LISTs manager
mixmaster (3.0.0-1) [universe]
Anonymous remailer client and server
mlmmj (1.2.15-1.1) [universe]
mail server independent mailing list manager
mlmmj-php-web (1.2.15-1.1) [universe]
web interface for mlmmj, written in php
mlmmj-php-web-admin (1.2.15-1.1) [universe]
administrative web interface for mlmmj, written in php
mlock (7:2007b~dfsg-2) [universe]
mailbox locking program
mozilla-mailnews (1.1.12+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) [universe]
dummy upgrade package for SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups and Address Book
mozilla-thunderbird-bidiui (0.7.3-3ubuntu3) [universe]
BiDirectional support for Thunderbird
mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail (2:0.95.0-0ubuntu5)
Transitional package for enigmail
mozilla-traybiff-common (1.2.3-4.2ubuntu1) [universe]
traybiff - new mail alert for thunderbird
mpack (1.6-5) [universe]
tools for encoding/decoding MIME messages
msmtp (1.4.13-1build1) [universe]
light SMTP client with support for server profiles
msmtp-mta (1.4.13-1build1) [universe]
light SMTP client with support for server profiles
mu-cite (8.1+0.20070307-5) [universe]
message citation utility for emacsen
multimail (0.49-2) [universe]
Offline reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN and SOUP
mutt (1.5.18-4ubuntu1)
text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
mutt-dbg (1.5.18-4ubuntu1)
debugging symbols for mutt
mutt-patched (1.5.18-4ubuntu1) [universe]
the Mutt Mail User Agent with extra patches
mutt-vc-query (002-4) [universe]
vCard query utility for mutt
muttprint (0.72d-9ubuntu2) [universe]
Pretty printing of mails
muttprofile (1.0.1-3) [universe]
a utility to choose profiles in Mutt
mxallowd (1.5a-1) [universe]
Anti-Spam-Daemon using nolisting/iptables
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Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

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