
Le novità della newsletter di Ubuntu n. 152: Karmic Koala alpha 3 e Launchpad

Rilasciata la newsletter settimanale di Ubuntu, che in questo numero 152 si occupa di:

  • Karmic Alpha 3 released
  • Launchpad is now open source
  • Ubuntu Stats
  • Ubuntu-US-NY is now an approved LoCo Team

  • Focusing on the Launchpad UI
  • Answer contacts can assign questions
  • Automatically import files to Launchpad using product release finder
  • Ubuntu Forums tutorial of the week
  • Kubuntu Translation Day
  • In the Press & Blogosphere

  • Ubuntu Podcast #31
  • Upcoming Meetings & Events

  • Updates & Security

Welcome to Karmic Koala Alpha-3, which will in time become Ubuntu 9.10.

Pre-releases of Karmic are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.

Alpha 3 is the third in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Karmic development cycle. The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of show-stopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Karmic. You can download it here:

See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors for a list of mirrors.

Alpha 3 includes a number of software updates that are ready for large-scale testing. This is quite an early set of images, so you should expect some bugs. For an overview of new features and a list of known bugs (that you don't need to report if you encounter).

If you're interested in following the changes as we further develop Karmic, have a look at the karmic-changes mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/karmic-changes


*Promozione valida fino al 30/09/2009

Vuoi essere tu il fortunato? Registrati subito in Privalia per partecipare al sorteggio del nuovo iPhone 3G.

Privalia è un Club Privato on-line che organizza, in esclusiva per i suoi soci, campagne vendita delle migliori marche di moda con sconti fino al 70%.

Entra a far parte di Privalia e potrai vincere il cellulare Multimedia più intelligente!

Non lasciartelo scappare!


Launchpad is now open source

Released today under the GNU Affero General Public license, version 3, Launchpad's code is now open source. Note that although it had been previously announced that two components (codehosting and soyuz) would be held back, a last minute change now includes both.

Big congratulations, (and thanks) to the Canonical Launchpad team, who worked overtime to make this happen sooner rather than later, and to Mark Shuttleworth, whose decision it was to open source Launchpad in the first place.

Listed below are the links to the announcement, the development wiki, and where to get the code:

The Canonical Launchpad developers will be on IRC in channel #launchpad-dev on irc.freenode.net. That’s the place to go for real time development discussion and questions. For usage issues, #launchpad is still the place, as before.

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Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

Nuovi aggiornamenti per la sicurezza in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope relativi a Firefox e XulRunner

In data odierna sono stati rilasciati come di conseto gli aggiornamente riguardanti la sicurezza in Ubuntu 9.04. Questa settimana tocca a Firefox e xulrunner.

This is a meta package that will point to the latest firefox package in ubuntu. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.

Versione 3.0.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:

* security/stability v3.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_12_BUILD1)
- see USN-798-1
* drop patches applied upstream
- delete debian/patches/bz412610_att335369_realpath_overflow.patch
- update debian/patches/series

Install this firefox package too, if you want to be automatically upgraded to new major firefox versions in the future.

Versione 3.0.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:

* security/stability v3.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_12_BUILD1)
- see USN-798-1
* drop patches applied upstream
- delete debian/patches/bz412610_att335369_realpath_overflow.patch
- update debian/patches/series

This package ships the Firefox branding bits. If you remove this package your user experience will become that of the abrowser.

Versione 3.0.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:

* security/stability v3.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_12_BUILD1)
- see USN-798-1
* drop patches applied upstream
- delete debian/patches/bz412610_att335369_realpath_overflow.patch
- update debian/patches/series

This is an extension to Firefox that allows it to use protocol handlers from Gnome-VFS, such as smb or sftp, and other Gnome integration features.

*Promozione valida fino al 30/09/2009

Vuoi essere tu il fortunato? Registrati subito in Privalia per partecipare al sorteggio del nuovo iPhone 3G.

Privalia è un Club Privato on-line che organizza, in esclusiva per i suoi soci, campagne vendita delle migliori marche di moda con sconti fino al 70%.

Entra a far parte di Privalia e potrai vincere il cellulare Multimedia più intelligente!

Non lasciartelo scappare!


Versione 3.0.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1:

* security/stability v3.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_12_BUILD1)
- see USN-798-1
* drop patches applied upstream
- delete debian/patches/bz412610_att335369_realpath_overflow.patch
- update debian/patches/series

This is a meta package that will always point to the latest gnome-support package for firefox. Don't remove this if you want to receive automatic major version upgrades for this package in future.


* New upstream release v1.9.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_12_BUILD1)
- see USN-798-1
* drop upstreamed patches
- delete debian/patches/bz412610_att335369_realpath_overflow.patch
XUL is Mozilla's XML based User Interface language that lets you build feature-rich cross platform applications. These applications are easily customized with alternative text, graphics and layout so that they can be readily branded or localized for various markets. Web developers already familiar with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) will learn XUL quickly and can start building applications right away. XPCOM is a cross platform component model. It has multiple language bindings and IDL descriptions so programmers can plug their custom functionality into the framework and connect it with other components.


* New upstream release v1.9.0.12 build1 (FIREFOX_3_0_12_BUILD1)
- see USN-798-1
* drop upstreamed patches
- delete debian/patches/bz412610_att335369_realpath_overflow.patch

This is an extension to xulrunner-1.9 that allows XUL applications to use protocol handlers from Gnome-VFS, such as smb or sftp, and other Gnome integration features.

Se ti è piaciuto l'articolo , iscriviti al feed cliccando sull'immagine sottostante per tenerti sempre aggiornato sui nuovi contenuti del blog:

Ultimi post pubblicati

Vacanze    TUI.it
Universo Linux

Adesso possiamo installare aMule Adunanza in Ubuntu 9.04 tramite il Gestore di Pacchetti Synaptic

Iniziamo col dire che amule adunanza è una versione di amule modificata con alcune opzioni in piu‘ così che gli utenti piu’ esperti possano settare al meglio tutte le impostazioni a loro piacimento.

Nelle precedenti versioni di ubuntu amule adunanza andava scaricato con i comandi da terminale, se invece abbiamo installato la nuova release di ubuntu quindi la 9.04 questo procedimento non è piu’ necessario visto che i pacchetti per l’installazione si trovano gia’ nel gestore dei pacchetti synaptic quindi ci bastera’ andare su:

sistema——>amministrazione——>gestore dei pacchetti synaptic

nella funzione cerca scrivere: amule adunanza

spuntiamo la casella “marca per l’installazione”

applica e chiudi tutto,dopo avremo amule in: applicazioni——>internet ora non mi resta che augurarvi buon file sharing a tutti :-)

una nota dolente che devo segnalare per amule adunanza e che il file .dat non funziona correttamente io ho riscontrato dei problemi per la connessione alla rete kad; ho provato a scaricare diversi file .dat da diverse fonti ma ancora non ho risolto il problema se qualcuno sa come porre fine a questo problema lo ringrazierei se lo spiegasse nei commenti cosi’ da offrire una risorsa utile a tutti quelli che hanno lo stesso problema.

I pacchetti da installare sono:


client for the eD2k and Kadu networks for for Fastweb clients

aMule-AdunanzA is a peer-to-peer file sharing application, designed to connect
to the eDonkey and Kadu networks. It is specifically designed for systems
located behind Fastweb NAT network. It has a wide range of features,
including many of the original eMule and aMule client, like:

* online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure
identification, and IP filter support
* boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kadu network
* checks against aggressive clients
* slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients
* systray works well both in GNOME and KDE

A daemonized version of the application that does not need a graphic
environment to run is available in the amule-adunanza-daemon package, and
various utilities of interest can be found in the amule-adunanza-utils and
amule-adunanza-utils-gui packages, including the ed2k link handler.

Canonical non fornisce aggiornamenti per amule-adunanza. Alcuni aggiornamenti potrebbero essere forniti dalla comunità di Ubuntu.

amule adunanza-daemon

non-graphic version of aMule-AdunanzA, a client for the eD2k and

Kadu networks. This package contains a daemonized version of aMule-AdunanzA,
amuled, that does not need a graphic environment to run, and can run in the
background as well. It is normally used to be run in a machine 24/7, since the
application continues to run if the X11 session closes.

It is possible to control amuled via amulecmd, from the amule-adunanza-utils
package, and amulegui, available in the amule-adunanza-utils-gui package.

See the description of the amule package for a list of features, and
/usr/share/doc/amule-adunanza-daemon/README.Debian for some basic usage notes.

Canonical non fornisce aggiornamenti per amule-adunanza-daemon. Alcuni aggiornamenti potrebbero essere forniti dalla comunità di Ubuntu.


utilities for aMule-AdunanzA (command-line version)

This package contains a set of command-line utilities related to
aMule-AdunanzA, the eD2k network client:

* ed2k: handles ed2k:// links, queueing them into aMule-AdunanzA
* cas: displays the contents of your aMule-AdunanzA online signature
* alcc: computes ed2k:// links for the given input files
* amulecmd: text-based client to control aMule-AdunanzA or its daemon

*Promozione valida fino al 30/09/2009

Vuoi essere tu il fortunato? Registrati subito in Privalia per partecipare al sorteggio del nuovo iPhone 3G.

Privalia è un Club Privato on-line che organizza, in esclusiva per i suoi soci, campagne vendita delle migliori marche di moda con sconti fino al 70%.

Entra a far parte di Privalia e potrai vincere il cellulare Multimedia più intelligente!

Non lasciartelo scappare!


Some of these utilities have graphic versions, which can be found in
the amule-utils-gui package.

Canonical non fornisce aggiornamenti per amule-adunanza-utils. Alcuni aggiornamenti potrebbero essere forniti dalla comunità di Ubuntu.


graphic utilities for aMule-AdunanzA

This package contains a set of graphic utilities related to aMule-AdunanzA,
the eD2k network client:

* wxcas: displays the contents of your aMule-AdunanzA online signature
* alc: computes ed2k:// links for the given input files
* amulegui (EXPERIMENTAL): graphic client to control aMule-AdunanzA or the
aMule-AdunanzA daemon

A command-line version of these utilities can be found in the
amule-utils package.

Canonical non fornisce aggiornamenti per amule-adunanza-utils-gui. Alcuni aggiornamenti potrebbero essere forniti dalla comunità di Ubuntu.

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Ultimi post pubblicati

Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

Mule-UCS è un sistema di codifica universale per Mule

Mule-UCS è una libreria Emacs Lisp per definire schemi di codifica/decodifica con regole di traduzione abbastanza semplici. Mule-UCS fornisce a Emacs un meccanismo di codifica flessibile e comprensibile.

La definizione di Unicode Mule-UCS fornisce diversi sistemi di codifica per rappresentazioni esterne ed alcune API per altre librerie Lisp Emacs. Sono supportati UTF-8, UTF-16 e UTF-7.

Download Source Package mule-ucs:

Mule-UCS Manual

Mule-UCS is a character code translator. It provides functions to translate from any character set to any other, and construct new coding systems easily. It requires the MUltiLingual extensions to Emacs (MULE), including extended CCL facilities. These functions are provided by XEmacs (versions 21.2.36 and later), GNU Emacs (versions 20.3 and later), Emacs patched to use Mule 3.0, and Meadow.

*Promozione valida fino al 30/09/2009

Vuoi essere tu il fortunato? Registrati subito in Privalia per partecipare al sorteggio del nuovo iPhone 3G.

Privalia è un Club Privato on-line che organizza, in esclusiva per i suoi soci, campagne vendita delle migliori marche di moda con sconti fino al 70%.

Entra a far parte di Privalia e potrai vincere il cellulare Multimedia più intelligente!

Non lasciartelo scappare!


Mule-UCS was designed and implemented by Miyashita Hisashi (HIMI) himi@bird.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp

This is version $Revision: 1.4 $ of the Mule-UCS manual, last updated on 25 January 2002. It documents the XEmacs package distribution of Mule-UCS. It should be applicable to other versions of Mule-UCS with slight changes. Please report errors and variations among platforms to Stephen Turnbull, for incorporation in future versions of this manual.

The latest release of Mule-UCS is available for download, or you may see 3. Obtaining Mule-UCS. for more details, including the CVS server details.

Mule-UCS is discussed on the mailing lists for Mule at `m17n.org'.

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Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

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