
Ares in Ubuntu/Kubuntu senza Wine

Ares è un programma P2P molto difuso nei paesi ispanici che per le sue caratteristiche si assomiglia molto a eMule. Fino ad oggi per poter usarlo bisognava lanciare Wine (un'alternativa non molto gradita).

Ares Galaxy è un programma P2P, che consente di condividere i propri file con altre persone in rete. Oltre alle solite funzionalità dei software di scambio file, Ares Galaxy offre un lettore musicale integrato, utilissimo per ascoltare in anteprima la musica che si sta scaricando.

Da segnalare anche l'organizzatore di documenti che consente di ordinare i file in base a preferenze (ad esempio, nome degli autori dei file MP3).

Ares Galaxy è disponibile per Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Serv

Per chi è un po' stanco dell'asinello perchè è troppo lento oppure perchè qualcuno ha dimezzato i suoi servers (v.g. eDonkey) o semplicemente non si trova a suo agio perchè per farlo funzionare al 100x100 debe configurare qualche parametro ecco un'alternativa molto valida.

Da Tuxinga ottimo blog in spagnolo, impacchettato per Ubuntu, comunque si capisce.

fonte Tuxinga:

ares.jpgLa red de descargas P2P Ares resulta muy útil al momento de descargar archivos menores a 100mb, en ella se encuentra muchisimos archivos de música y es accesible con solo instalarla. Resulta una gran alternativa para aquellas personas que no se familiarizan con eMule por ejemplo.

Muchos optan por instalar Ares y “emularlo” con Wine. Esta solución consume muchos recursos y no es muy estable.

Investigando encontré la forma de conectarnos a la red Ares sin tener que recurrir a programas no nativos de Linux.

Se trata de giFT, “este programa es un poderoso cliente para redes p2p, que solo necesita que instales el plugin de la red que quieras para que conecte a la misma.”

Este post es una adaptación para Ubuntu / Kubuntu de uno de Slackware publicado en Taringa! y una respuesta en Ubuntu-cl

Este es listado a realizar:

1) Instalación del Cliente de redes P2P giFT
2) Instalación de plugin red Ares
3) Instalación de interfase gráfica para gift (para KDE o gnome)
4) Configuración del giFT
5) Actualización de nodos
6) Ejecución

Instalación del Cliente de redes P2P giFT

El cliente de redes giFT se encuentra en los repositorios, solo es necesario:

sudo apt-get install gift giftcurs giftd giftui libgift0 libgiftproto0 libgnutella-gift libopenft-gift

Esto instala el cliente de redes giFT, todavía no tiene entorno gráfico ni soporte para la red Ares.

Instalación de plugin red Ares

Para este paso es necesario complicar el source de gift-ares-0.3.0

Pagina del proyecto: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/gift-ares/
Descarga: (source): http://prdownload.berlios.de/gift-ares/gift-ares-0.3.0.tar.gz

Para compilarlo es necesario tener instalados:


Se encuentran fácilmente en el gestor de paquetes synaptics.
Una ves listo esto se descomprime, compila e instala gift-ares-0.3.0 :

tar xzvf gift-ares-0.3.0.tar.gz
cd gift-ares-0.3.0
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

Con estos pasos ya tendría que estar disponible el plugin para giFT.

Instalación de interfase gráfica para gift (para KDE o gnome)

Para KDE tenemos Apollon y para gnome giFTOXIC
Instalación en KDE:

sudo apt-get install apollon

instalación en Gnome:

sudo apt-get install giftoxic

Configuración de giFT

El gift es un deamon, esto quiere decir que corre en segundo plano y con un cliente nos conectamos a el para poder utilizarlo. La base del funcionamiento de el y las redes que le incorporemos, en este caso la red Ares, dependerán de su archivo de configuración giftd.conf situado en /home/usuario/.giFT/giftd.conf (siendo usuario el nombre de tu usuario en tu sistema linux).
Para configurarlo tiene que ejecutar (como usuario)


De ahí se desprenderán una serie de preguntas las cuales corresponden a la configuración normal de cualquier red p2p: puertos, velocidad, sharing folders,etc.

En mi caso cree una carpeta Descargas en mi Carpeta Personal y este es mi archivo de configuración:

 ######INICIO DE ARCHIVO giftd.conf#########################


# Boolean determining whether or not this file has been reviewed and is
# complete. giFT will fail to start unless this is non-zero. This is done
# so that we can make sure you, at the very least, read through this file.
# Default: 0
setup = 1

# Space separated list of hosts to allow connection to giFT's interface
# protocol (running default on port 1213). This protocol is used for GUIs
# to communicate with giFT and could be considered a security risk to allow
# external connections.
# The following special keywords are supported:
# ALL - Synonym for
# LOCAL - Synonym for
# Bitwidth fields are optional.
# Default: LOCAL
hosts_allow = LOCAL

# Port on which to listen for user interface connections. Unless you have a
# special need to talk to the client on a non-standard port, just accept the
# default.
# If you change this value, you will also need to modify the ui.conf
# configuration for the machine which will be making outgoing connections
# here.
client_port = 1213

# Determines whether or not to follow symbolic links. If this value is set
# non-zero, symlinks will be traversed and a directory inode tracking system
# will be used to ensure that giFT does not descend the same directory
# twice. If you do not have any symlinks or do not want them traversed, set
# this to 0 for a very minor efficiency gain.
# Windows users: this setting has no effect.
# Default: 1
follow_symlinks = 1

# Colon separated list of protocol plugins to load by default. If dynamic
# library support is enabled, the plugin specified will be stat'd to check if
# it is a loadable path. If that fails, the fallback method is to attempt to
# construct the fully qualified path based on the configured environment.
# Without dynamic library support, this plugin must have been compiled into
# your giFT binary. With, this plugin must exist in the installed
# plugin directory. giFT -V will output this path to you, if you are not
# sure.
# Protocol names are case sensitive, so use OpenFT, not Openft.
# For example, to use the OpenFT and Gnutella protocols use:
# OpenFT:Gnutella
# Default: none
plugins = Ares



# Directory to store transfers while they are being operated on. Temporary
# state files are also kept here. It is recommended, but not required, that
# the incoming and completed directories are on the same partition (drive).
# Windows users: please use the following path specification:
# incoming = /C/Program Files/giFT/incoming
# For example, to refer to C:\Program Files\giFT\incoming, use:
# incoming = /C/Program Files/giFT/incoming
# Default (*nix): ~/.giFT/incoming
# Default (Windows): /C/Program Files/giFT/incoming
incoming = ~/.giFT/incoming

# Directory which will contain files after they have successfully finished
# downloading.
# Default (*nix): ~/.giFT/completed
# Default (Windows): /C/Program Files/giFT/completed
completed = ~/Descargas



# Maximum amount of uploads allowed from the same user at any given time. It
# is recommended that you keep this at 1 in order to prevent users from
# unfairly queueing your connection.
# Default: 1
max_peruser_uploads = 1

# Determines whether or not to hide directories which contain a leading dot.
# These directories are commonly meant to be "hidden" and thus should not be
# submitted to the network. Selecting 0 here will submit all directories.
# On Windows files will additionally be checked for the hidden attribute and
# not shared if it is set and hide_dot_files is 1.
# Default: 1
hide_dot_files = 1

# Colon separated list of fully qualified paths you wish to share. These
# directories will be recursed at giFT's startup and the files contained
# within will be subjected to an MD5 hashing. The results will be cached and
# will only be recalculated on a per share basis when the size or
# modification time in the cache and on disk disagree, or the file name is
# changed.
# Sanity notice:
# Do NOT share source directories! Remote nodes will refuse to index your
# shares if you are attempting to submit more than 64000 files.
# Security notice:
# Do not share directories which may contain sensitive information, such as
# ~ ($HOME). Also note that any directories shared here will be stripped of
# all but the last path element when submitted to other nodes for indexing,
# effectively "hiding" the directory prefix.
# Windows users: please use the following path specification:
# /[drive]/dir1/dir2:/[drive]/dir3/dir4 ...
# For example, to refer to C:\Program Files\giFT\shares and D:\shares, use:
# /C/Program Files/giFT/shares:/D/shares
# Default: none
root = none

# Maximum amount of simultaneous uploads allowed. Setting this to 0 will
# cause giFT to not limit outgoing transfers. Use shares_hidden to disable
# sharing.
# Default: 0
max_uploads = 1

# Whether we allow sharing. Setting this to 0 will allow sharing and uploads
# up to max_uploads. If this is 1 your shares will be hidden from the world
# and uploading will be denied. This may also be handled at run time via your
# GUI of choice.
# Default: 0
shares_hidden = 1

# Controls when giFT periodically rescans your shared directories for any
# changes (new files, missing files, changed files, etc.) and communicates
# those changes to the underlying protocols. This parameter specifies how
# often (in seconds) you want that to happen.
# For your reference
# 0 turns off periodic auto-resync
# 3600 one hour
# 86400 one day
# 604800 one week
# Default: 86400
auto_resync_interval = 0

# Controls whether or not giFT should automatically share files that you have
# finished downloading. This feature significantly improves the network's
# abundance of files and helps ease the load on those sharing popular files.
# It's a Good Thing (TM), please leave it on.
# Avoid setting your completed directories through sharing/root, as that
# setting will duplicate recursion of the completed directory and cause
# generally undesirable results.
# Default: 1
share_completed = 1

# Controls whether giFT ignores the incoming directory when sharing files. If
# this is 1 and the incoming directory is within one of the sharing roots all
# files in and below it will not be shared. This is what you want in all known
# universes. Should you find yourself running this software on a parallel
# world where it is necessary to share the incoming files please make sure it
# doesn't affect us back here. Thank you.
# Default: 1
ignore_incoming = 1

# Bandwidth throttling allows giFT to have some basic control over your
# bandwidth usage. This code operates in user space, and as a result can not
# guarantee perfect accuracy. If you wish to use this feature, please
# consider using a more reliable kernel space option first. As always, google
# should be able to assist you there.
# The following configuration switches control the maximum number of bytes
# per second allowed for the given stream direction. A setting of 0 will
# disable throttling for that direction.
# Default: 0
downstream = 0
upstream = 0

username [] = tuxinga
sessions [4] = 15
timeout [300] =

#######FIN DE ARCHIVO giftd.conf##################

Para que la red Ares funcione correctamente hay que actualizarle los nodos. Encostre esta web http://update.kceasy.com/update/ en donde se pueden descargar los nodos ordenados por redes.

Se descarga el archivo necesario (en este caso de Ares) y se ponen en la carpeta oculta en el directorio personal .giFT/Ares (/home/usuario/.giFT/Ares)

Seguramente para descargarlo tendran que hacer clic derecho “Guardar enlace como” y en la ventana borrar la terminación .htm y que quede solo “nodes”


Finalmente para hacerlo funcionar una vez instalado solo hace falta ejecutar el deamon

giftd -v

y luego su entorno desde la lista de aplicaciones.
De todas formas ambos gui (Interfaz gráfica) al ejecutarse si no esta giftd funcionando lo hacen arrancar.


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