Eric4 è basto su PyQt4 e QScintilla2 e integra in un unico prodotto una shell e un debugger Python, un editor per il codice con evidenziazione della sintassi, un file manager, un gestore di classi Python e altri strumenti indispensabili per i programmatori.

- Unlimited number of editors
- Configurable window layout
- Configurable syntax hilighting
- Sourcecode autocompletion
- Sourcecode calltips
- Sourcecode folding
- Brace matching
- Error highlighting
- Advanced search functionality including project wide search and replace
- Integrated class browser
- Makro recordings
- Integrated version control interface for Cvs and
Subversion repositories (as plugins)- Integrated sourcecode documentation system
- Integrated python debugger including support to debug multithreaded applications
- Integrated, full featured Ruby debugger
- Integrated profiling and code coverage support
- Integrated task (todo items) management
- Advanced project management facilities
- Interactive Python shell including syntax hilighting and autocompletion
- Interactive Ruby shell including syntax hilighting and autocompletion
- Integrated rope refactoring tool (as optional plugin)
- Application diagrams
- running external applications from within the IDE
- integrated unittest support
- Cyclops cycles finder support
- Integrated CORBA support based on omniORB
- Integrated interface to cx_freeze (as optional plugin)
- Integrated interface to PyLint (as optional plugin)
- Many integrated wizzards for regex and Qt dialogs (as plugins)
- Localizations. Currently Eric is available in English, German, French, Russian, Czech, Spanish and Turkish.
- ...many, many more not mentioned here
Raccomandato il tutorial pubblicato in Ubuntuland

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