
Eric Python IDE, ambiente di sviluppo integrato per creare applicazioni Python.

Eric 4 4.1.0 è un ambiente di sviluppo integrato (IDE - Integrated Development Environment) per creare applicazioni Python.

Eric4 è basto su PyQt4 e QScintilla2 e integra in un unico prodotto una shell e un debugger Python, un editor per il codice con evidenziazione della sintassi, un file manager, un gestore di classi Python e altri strumenti indispensabili per i programmatori.

  • Unlimited number of editors
  • Configurable window layout
  • Configurable syntax hilighting
  • Sourcecode autocompletion
  • Sourcecode calltips
  • Sourcecode folding
  • Brace matching
  • Error highlighting
  • Advanced search functionality including project wide search and replace
  • Integrated class browser
  • Makro recordings
  • Integrated version control interface for Cvs and
    Subversion repositories (as plugins)
  • Integrated sourcecode documentation system
  • Integrated python debugger including support to debug multithreaded applications
  • Integrated, full featured Ruby debugger
  • Integrated profiling and code coverage support
  • Integrated task (todo items) management
  • Advanced project management facilities
  • Interactive Python shell including syntax hilighting and autocompletion
  • Interactive Ruby shell including syntax hilighting and autocompletion
  • Integrated rope refactoring tool (as optional plugin)
  • Application diagrams
  • running external applications from within the IDE
  • integrated unittest support
  • Cyclops cycles finder support
  • Integrated CORBA support based on omniORB
  • Integrated interface to cx_freeze (as optional plugin)
  • Integrated interface to PyLint (as optional plugin)
  • Many integrated wizzards for regex and Qt dialogs (as plugins)
  • Localizations. Currently Eric is available in English, German, French, Russian, Czech, Spanish and Turkish.
  • ...many, many more not mentioned here



The Debugger in action


Integrated unittest interface


Documentation viewer


Source documentation interface


Version control system interface


QMessageBox Wizard


Python regular expression wizard


Package diagram of the Graphics module


Imports diagram of the Graphics module


Plugin Info dialog


Plugin Repository dialog


Keyboard configuration dialog


Bug reporting dialog


Configuration dialog


Toolbars Configuration dialog


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