
Dell & Ubuntu

Dell offers Ubuntu PCs in UK, France, and Germany
Computer manufacturing giant DELL, on Thursday announced that effective immediately, the Inspiron 6400n notebook computer, and the Inspiron 530n desktop PC will ship with the Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) operating system installed.

Initial availability is limited to the United Kingdom, Germany, and France.

Pricing for the Inspiron 6400n notebook starts at £329.00 for the N-Series-Intel® Celeron® M 520 Processor (1.6GHz,533MHz,1MB cache), and tops out at £925.50 for a fully appointed Core Duo machine with all the bells and whisltes.

The Inspiron 530n Ubuntu desktop with N-Series-Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2140 Processor (1.6GHz,800MHz,1MB cache) will relieve you of £399.00 of your pocket change, or you can get a 2.66Ghz Core Duo machine with all the trimmings --including an impressive 1TB of hard drive storage -- for the bargain price of £1,021.74 (VAT and shipping included).

This is another huge leap forward for the desktop Linux community, and specifically for Ubuntu, which now holds the distinction of the most popular Linux distro ever.

In related news, Lenovo Group Ltd., the world's No. 3 PC maker, said today that it would start selling laptop computers preloaded with Linux software.

It seems that consumers no longer want to be told what operating system to use, but rather they want the power to choose, and computer manufacturers are listening!

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