Zumastor è un progetto ideato dai membri di Google per portare caratteristiche dello storage enterprise su Linux (online volume backup, multiple volume snapshots, remote volume replication, etc.).
Debian packages and source tarballs are available for download via http at http://zumastor.org/downloads. The snapshots directory contains development snapshots of the trunk and releases contains well-tested, stable releases. The latest is 0.4-r999 and individual files are linked below.
Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Release date | Revision | Debian i386 binary package | md5 checksum |
30 Nov 2007 | 999 | kernel-image- | d07f9d805eb98df211a270952ae08bca |
30 Nov 2007 | 999 | kernel-headers- | 6a6372771bb593964dd340b8c685de6d |
30 Nov 2007 | 999 | zumastor_0.4-r999_i386.deb | ac76e2d9d994c584f36efa19007b16d4 |
30 Nov 2007 | 999 | ddsnap_0.4-r999_i386.deb | c5a61dc02356ea75a9602ba674fbc1d1 |
Source Tarballs
Release date | Revision | tar.gz | md5 checksum |
30 Nov 2007 | 999 | zumastor_0.4-r999.tar.gz | 27601cbf64becb67e52d578566b8a083 |
30 Nov 2007 | 999 | ddsnap_0.4-r999.tar.gz | d19e6ea9681a8faac7004a5abd829d35 |
Downloading via svn is probably easier, as it gets the whole tree. For stable releases, use the 0.4 branch rather than the trunk.
- Point-in-time Snapshots
- Adds snapshotting to any Linux filesystem, without re-formatting (ext3, xfs, reiser, etc)
- Near-zero-cost, atomic block-device snapshots
- Copy-on-write, sharing common data between multiple snapshots
- Performance does not degrade with multiple snapshots
- Provided via ddsnap kernel driver and userspace ddsnap_server daemon
- Remote replication
- Transmits delta between snapshots
- Optional zlib (gzip) compression
- Optional xdelta binary difference compression (experimental)
- Simple command line interface - zumastor script
- Integration with kerberized NFS kernel server to support exporting a replicated volume with snapshot rollover.
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