
Nuovi aggiornamenti di sicurezza per Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

Nuovi aggiornamenti per Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. Fanno parte del bollettino di sicurezza settimanale rilasciato da Canonical. Insieme agli aggiornamenti ritenuti importanti ci sono altri considerati "raccomandati" e riguardano specificamente programmi installati nel nostro computer.

Come al solito se abbiamo scelto (di default) installarli automaticamente, al miglior "stile windows" comparirà una finestra con gli updates a eseguire semplicemente cliccando su Installa. Se, invece, abbiamo disattivato questa opzione, possiamo sempre installarli mnualmente con sudo apt-get update. Riguardano:
  • xserver-org
  • gdm
  • x11-common
  • xorg
  • sreadahead
  • tzdata

gdm provides the equivalent of a "login:" prompt for X displays- it pops up a login window and starts an X session.
It provides all the functionality of xdm, including XDMCP support for managing remote displays.
The greeting window is written using the GNOME libraries and hence looks like a GNOME application- even to the extent of supporting themes! By default, the greeter is run as an unprivileged user for security.

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Scaricamento dell'elenco dei cambiamenti non riuscito.
Verificare la connessione a Internet.

sreadahead has been replaced by ureadahead, this package ensures that you are transitioned over and may be safely removed.

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 0.90.3-2:

* über-readahead is a replacement for sreadahead that should
significantly improve boot performance on rotational hard drives,
especially those that had regressed in performance from jaunty to

It does this by pre-loading such things as ext2/3/4 inodes and opening
files in as logical order as possible before loading all blocks in one
pass across the disk.

On SSD, this behaves much as sreadahead used to, replacing that package
with slightly improved tracing code.

This requires the kernel package also found in karmic-proposed.

LP: #432089.

Versione 0.90.3-1:

* New upstream release:
- Move ext2fs inode group lookup into the tracing stage, storing the
groups to preload in the pack, rather than spending time on normal
boots working it out.
- Open files in order of inode group (or inode number on non-ext2fs),
which seems to give a benefit in load time and certainly produces
better blktrace output.
- Increase the "too old" check from a month to a year.
- Fix dump of zero-byte files to not claim a single page.
- Fix unhandled error output when given an unknown pack file.
- Don't call ureadhead for the root filesystem twice on boot (the second
time should only take a few ms, but that's still time)
- Consider exit status 4 (no pack file for given mount point) normal.
- Make uselib tracing optional.

Versione 0.90.2-1:

* New upstream release:
- improved SSD mode
- inode group preload threshold configurable by environment variable
- default inode group preload threshold changed to 16, because random
stabbing in the dark suggested it was a good number
- add a job that profiles extra mountpoints

* Remove /etc/cron.monthly/sreadahead too.
* Add an apport hook to attach a dump of the packs.

Versione 0.90.1-1:

* Bug fixes.

Versione 0.90.0-1:

* Initial release to ubuntu-boot PPA.

This package contains data required for the implementation of standard local time for many representative locations around the globe. It is updated periodically to reflect changes made by political bodies to time zone boundaries, UTC offsets, and daylight-saving rules

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 2009s-0ubuntu0.9.10:

* New upstream release 2009s:
- Fix a typo in Antarctica/Davis DST rules
- Fiji will use DST this year (effective from Nov 29)
- LP: #486351

über-readahead is used during boot to read files in advance of when they are needed such that they are already in the page cache, improving boot performance.
Its data files are regenerated on the first boot after install, and either monthly thereafter or when packages with init scripts or configs are installed or updated.
ureadahead requires a kernel patch included in the Ubuntu kernel.

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 0.90.3-2:

* über-readahead is a replacement for sreadahead that should
significantly improve boot performance on rotational hard drives,
especially those that had regressed in performance from jaunty to

It does this by pre-loading such things as ext2/3/4 inodes and opening
files in as logical order as possible before loading all blocks in one
pass across the disk.

On SSD, this behaves much as sreadahead used to, replacing that package
with slightly improved tracing code.

This requires the kernel package also found in karmic-proposed.

LP: #432089.

Versione 0.90.3-1:

* New upstream release:
- Move ext2fs inode group lookup into the tracing stage, storing the
groups to preload in the pack, rather than spending time on normal
boots working it out.
- Open files in order of inode group (or inode number on non-ext2fs),
which seems to give a benefit in load time and certainly produces
better blktrace output.
- Increase the "too old" check from a month to a year.
- Fix dump of zero-byte files to not claim a single page.
- Fix unhandled error output when given an unknown pack file.
- Don't call ureadhead for the root filesystem twice on boot (the second
time should only take a few ms, but that's still time)
- Consider exit status 4 (no pack file for given mount point) normal.
- Make uselib tracing optional.

Versione 0.90.2-1:

* New upstream release:
- improved SSD mode
- inode group preload threshold configurable by environment variable
- default inode group preload threshold changed to 16, because random
stabbing in the dark suggested it was a good number
- add a job that profiles extra mountpoints

* Remove /etc/cron.monthly/sreadahead too.
* Add an apport hook to attach a dump of the packs.

Versione 0.90.1-1:

* Bug fixes.

Versione 0.90.0-1:

* Initial release to ubuntu-boot PPA.

über-readahead is used during boot to read files in advance of when they are needed such that they are already in the page cache, improving boot performance.
Its data files are regenerated on the first boot after install, and either monthly thereafter or when packages with init scripts or configs are installed or updated.
ureadahead requires a kernel patch included in the Ubuntu kernel.

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 0.90.3-2:

* über-readahead is a replacement for sreadahead that should
significantly improve boot performance on rotational hard drives,
especially those that had regressed in performance from jaunty to

It does this by pre-loading such things as ext2/3/4 inodes and opening
files in as logical order as possible before loading all blocks in one
pass across the disk.

On SSD, this behaves much as sreadahead used to, replacing that package
with slightly improved tracing code.

This requires the kernel package also found in karmic-proposed.

LP: #432089.

Versione 0.90.3-1:

* New upstream release:
- Move ext2fs inode group lookup into the tracing stage, storing the
groups to preload in the pack, rather than spending time on normal
boots working it out.
- Open files in order of inode group (or inode number on non-ext2fs),
which seems to give a benefit in load time and certainly produces
better blktrace output.
- Increase the "too old" check from a month to a year.
- Fix dump of zero-byte files to not claim a single page.
- Fix unhandled error output when given an unknown pack file.
- Don't call ureadhead for the root filesystem twice on boot (the second
time should only take a few ms, but that's still time)
- Consider exit status 4 (no pack file for given mount point) normal.
- Make uselib tracing optional.

Versione 0.90.2-1:

* New upstream release:
- improved SSD mode
- inode group preload threshold configurable by environment variable
- default inode group preload threshold changed to 16, because random
stabbing in the dark suggested it was a good number
- add a job that profiles extra mountpoints

* Remove /etc/cron.monthly/sreadahead too.
* Add an apport hook to attach a dump of the packs.

Versione 0.90.1-1:

* Bug fixes.

Versione 0.90.0-1:

* Initial release to ubuntu-boot PPA.

x11-common contains the filesystem infrastructure required for further installation of the X Window System in any configuration; it does not provide a full installation of clients, servers, libraries, and utilities required to run the X Window System.
A number of terms are used to refer to the X Window System, including "X", "X Version 11", "X11", "X11R6", and "X11R7".
The version of X used in Debian is derived from the version released by the X.Org Foundation, and is thus often also referred to as "X.Org".
All of the preceding quoted terms are functionally interchangeable in an Debian system.

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu10:

* local/Failsafe/failsafeXServer: Since dexconf no longer produces
an xorg.conf, it will neither generate a failsafe xorg.conf, so now
we just generate one directly. Otherwise X won't start a failsafe
session properly.
(LP: #477149)

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu9:

* Restore 60x11-common_localhost. I dropped this before because the
file was not in git so assumed it was stray. On further review I
see this was intentionally added, just not to git, and was not stray.
(LP: #340807)
* control: Add Vcs-git tags

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu8:

* debian/local/Failsafe/failsafe{XServer,Xinit},
debian/x11-common.failsafe-x.upstart: convert Bulletproof-X support over
to upstart, for compatibility with gdm in karmic. LP: #474806.
* debian/rules: install the new upstart job with dh_installinit.
* debian/control: bump the debhelper versioned build-dependency for the

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu10:

* local/Failsafe/failsafeXServer: Since dexconf no longer produces
an xorg.conf, it will neither generate a failsafe xorg.conf, so now
we just generate one directly. Otherwise X won't start a failsafe
session properly.
(LP: #477149)

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu9:

* Restore 60x11-common_localhost. I dropped this before because the
file was not in git so assumed it was stray. On further review I
see this was intentionally added, just not to git, and was not stray.
(LP: #340807)
* control: Add Vcs-git tags

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu8:

* debian/local/Failsafe/failsafe{XServer,Xinit},
debian/x11-common.failsafe-x.upstart: convert Bulletproof-X support over
to upstart, for compatibility with gdm in karmic. LP: #474806.
* debian/rules: install the new upstart job with dh_installinit.
* debian/control: bump the debhelper versioned build-dependency for the

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu10:

* local/Failsafe/failsafeXServer: Since dexconf no longer produces
an xorg.conf, it will neither generate a failsafe xorg.conf, so now
we just generate one directly. Otherwise X won't start a failsafe
session properly.
(LP: #477149)

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu9:

* Restore 60x11-common_localhost. I dropped this before because the
file was not in git so assumed it was stray. On further review I
see this was intentionally added, just not to git, and was not stray.
(LP: #340807)
* control: Add Vcs-git tags

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu8:

* debian/local/Failsafe/failsafe{XServer,Xinit},
debian/x11-common.failsafe-x.upstart: convert Bulletproof-X support over
to upstart, for compatibility with gdm in karmic. LP: #474806.
* debian/rules: install the new upstart job with dh_installinit.
* debian/control: bump the debhelper versioned build-dependency for the

This package depends on the full suite of output drivers for the X.Org X server (Xorg).
It does not provide any drivers itself, and may be removed if you wish to only have certain drivers installed.

Cambiamenti per le versioni:

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu10:

* local/Failsafe/failsafeXServer: Since dexconf no longer produces
an xorg.conf, it will neither generate a failsafe xorg.conf, so now
we just generate one directly. Otherwise X won't start a failsafe
session properly.
(LP: #477149)

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu9:

* Restore 60x11-common_localhost. I dropped this before because the
file was not in git so assumed it was stray. On further review I
see this was intentionally added, just not to git, and was not stray.
(LP: #340807)
* control: Add Vcs-git tags

Versione 1:7.4+3ubuntu8:

* debian/local/Failsafe/failsafe{XServer,Xinit},
debian/x11-common.failsafe-x.upstart: convert Bulletproof-X support over
to upstart, for compatibility with gdm in karmic. LP: #474806.
* debian/rules: install the new upstart job with dh_installinit.
* debian/control: bump the debhelper versioned build-dependency for the

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Vacanze    TUI.it

Universo Linux

1 commento:

  1. Buongiorno e complimenti per il blog.
    Sono nuovo di Ubuntu e questa mattina, accendendo il PC ho avuto questo errore sul mio ubuntu:
    il pannello ha riscontrato un problema durante il caricameto di LLOAFIID: GNOME_TSClient Applent eliminare l’applet della propria configurazione?
    Non sapendo cosa voglia dire pigio di no.
    Come posso risolvere questo errore?
    Ti ringrazio e saluto


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