
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: tutti i programmi dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System, terza puntata.

Tutti i programmi, utility e librerie dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System. presenti nella nuova release targata Ubuntu: Maverick Meerkat.

Un window manager è un programma che gestisce l'aspetto e la posizione di una finestra nel X Window System, un sistema grafico usato principalmente sotto Unix.

Chi scopre il mondo Linux rimane favorevolmente colpito dal grande numero di window manager a disposizione dell'ambiente grafico X-Windows. E così si cerca di provarli tutti, finendo per avere sull'hard disk decine di mega occupati.

Vediamo quello che si adatta meglio alle nostre esigenze.

In questa seconda puntata dal popolare Human Theme all'ultima versione di Icewm passando per altri windows manager un po' meno conosciuti ma non meno validi come gaia, gentoo, gnustep ed altri comandi e utility.

In questa terza puntata, in ordine alfabetico da gaia a ivtv.

Gaia client di Google Earth libero.
Nel 2006 nasce il fantastico progetto Gaia con lo scopo di creare un client di google earth libero.

Il lavoro del team di sviluppo si basava sul reverse engineering del protocollo di Google Earth.

Pubblicate, con la release 0.1.0, i primi screenshot e subito il progetto ha cominciato a far parlare di se.

Al punto che in Google qualcuno ha deciso di far bloccare il progetto.

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
gbdfed (1.5-1.1) [universe]
X11 font editor
gcstar (1.5.0-1ubuntu2) [universe]
Manage your collections of movies, games, books, music and more
gdeskcal (0.57.1-2.1ubuntu1) [universe]
A desktop calendar featuring transparency with smooth alpha-blending
gentoo (0.15.5-0ubuntu2) [universe]
a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager
gerstensaft (0.3-4) [universe]
Frontend for Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
gexec (0.4-1) [universe]
Small command executer with autocompletion using GTK+
giftui (0.4.1-9) [universe]
Graphical user interface to giFT using GTK+2
gigolo (0.4.1-1) [universe]
frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs
gigolo-dbg (0.4.1-1) [universe]
frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs (debug)
gjiten (2.6-2.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Japanese dictionary for GNOME
gkrellkam (2.0.0-1) [universe]
GKrellM plugin that displays a periodically updating image
gkrellm (2.3.4-1) [universe]
GNU Krell Monitors
gkrellm-bfm (0.6.4-3) [universe]
system load plugin for gkrellm with a duck
gkrellm-hdplop (0.9.9-1) [universe]
A hard drive activity monitor GKrellM plugin
gkrellm-ibam (1:0.5.2-1) [universe]
Advanced battery monitor for laptops - gkrellm plugin
gkrellm-leds (0.8.0-1.2) [universe]
Keyboard LED monitor for GKrellM
gkrellm-mldonkey (0.9.7-2) [universe]
mldonkey plugin for gkrellm2
gkrellm-reminder (2.0.0-3) [universe]
useful reminder plugin for gkrellm
gkrellm-thinkbat (0.2.2-1) [universe]
ThinkPad laptops battery status indicator for GKrellM
gkrellm-x86info (0.0.2-8) [universe]
gkrellm plugin displaying the current processor speed
gkrellm-xkb (1.05-5) [universe]
Keyboard layout indicator plugin for GKrellM
gkrellmapcupsd (0.02) [universe]
gkrellm plugin displaying the current processor speed
gkrellmd (2.3.4-1) [universe]
GNU Krell Monitors Server
gkrellmitime (1.0.1-4) [universe]
Internet time plugin for gkrellm
gkrellmoon (0.6-5) [universe]
Gkrellm Moon Clock Plugin
gkrellmwireless (2.0.3-1) [universe]
802.11 wireless link monitor plugin for GKrellM
gkrellshoot (0.4.4-1) [universe]
Plugin for gkrellm to lock the screen and make screenshots
gkrelltop (2.2.13-1) [universe]
Top three intensive processes plugin for gkrellm
gkrelltopd (2.2.13-1) [universe]
Top three intensive processes plugin for gkrellmd
gkrellweather (2.0.8-2) [universe]
A weather monitor plugin for GKrellM
glurp (0.12.3-1) [universe]
GTK+ frontend to the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
gmrun (0.9.2-2) [universe]
Featureful CLI-like GTK+ application launcher
gnee (3.06-1) [universe]
X event recorder/replayer - GUI flavor
gngb (20060309-3) [universe]
a Color Gameboy emulator
gnome-mag (1:0.16.1-2ubuntu1)
a screen magnifier for the GNOME desktop
gnustep (7.4) [universe]
The GNUstep Development Environment -- user applications
gnustep-core-devel (7.4) [universe]
The GNUstep Development Environment -- core development
gnustep-core-doc (7.4) [universe]
The GNUstep Development Environment -- core documentation
gnustep-devel (7.4) [universe]
The GNUstep Development Environment -- development tools
gnustep-games (7.4) [universe]
The GNUstep Development Environment -- games
gnustep-icons (1.0-4) [universe]
GNUstep ambiente di sviluppo multi-piattaforma open source.

 GNUstep è un'implementazione delle librerie (chiamate "framework") OpenStep in Objective C di NeXT (attualmente Apple), inoltre offre strumenti di sviluppo non solo per sistemi operativi di tipo Unix ma anche per Microsoft Windows. GNUstep è parte del progetto GNU.

GNUstep offre un ambiente di sviluppo multi-piattaforma orientato agli oggetti compatibile con le specifiche OpenStep sviluppate da NeXT (ora comprata da Apple Computer). Al pari di Cocoa GNUstep ha anche un'interfaccia per Java come anche per Ruby e Scheme. 
Gli sviluppatori di GNUstep hanno ultimamente aggiunto alcune funzioni che Apple ha introdotto in Cocoa così da garantirne la compatibilita'. Le origini delle API GNUstep sono le stesse radici di Cocoa: NeXT e OpenStep. GNUstep anticipa Cocoa.

Scheda completa e istruzioni per il download in questa pagina
gpe (0.2.8-1build1) [universe]
The G Palmtop Environment (GPE) metapackage
gpe-appmgr (2.8-3) [universe]
application manager for GPE desktop
gpe-clock (0.27-2) [universe]
alarm clock tray applet for GPE
gpe-conf (0.2.8-1build1) [universe]
configuration toolset for GPE
gpe-confd (0.16-2) [universe]
GPE configuration daemon
gpe-contacts (0.49-2) [universe]
contact manager for GPE
gpe-edit (0.41-1) [universe]
GPE Palmtop Environment text editor
gpe-gallery (0.97-4) [universe]
GPE image gallery and viewer with slideshow support
gpe-icons (0.25-1) [universe]
Common icons used by GPE programs
gpe-question (0.04-3) [universe]
GPE interface for asking questions from shell scripts
gpe-screenshot (0.4-3) [universe]
screenshot application for GPE
gpe-soundbite (1.0.6-2build1) [universe]
voice memo player/recorder for GPE
gpe-soundserver (0.4-3) [universe]
start and stop the GPE sound service
gpe-su (0.20-1) [universe]
root shell for GPE
gpe-tetris (0.6.4-2) [universe]
tetris game for small screens and embedded devices
gpe-timesheet (0.32-2) [universe]
keep track of time spent on a task in GPE
gpe-what (0.43-3) [universe]
context-sensitive help for GPE
gpodder (2.6-1) [universe]
A podcast client and feed aggregator
grabc (1.1-2) [universe]
simple program to determine the color string in hex by clicking on a pixel
grafx2 (2.2-1) [universe]
ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
grandr (0.1+git20080326-1ubuntu2) [universe]
gtk interface to xrandr
gray-theme (0.1-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Gray GTK theme
grdesktop (0.23+d040330-1) [universe]
GNOME frontend for the rdesktop client
gregorio (0.9.2-1.1) [universe]
command-line tool to typeset Gregorian chant
gregoriotex (0.9.2-1.1) [universe]
Omega style for Gregorian chant scores
grisbi-common (0.6.0-1) [universe]
shared files for the finance management program Grisbi
gromit (20041213-4.1) [universe]
GTK based tool to make annotations on screen
grsync (1.1.1-1) [universe]
GTK+ frontend for rsync
grun (0.9.3-1) [universe]
GTK based Run dialog
gsfonts-x11 (0.21)
Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11
gtamsanalyzer.app (0.42-6) [universe]
Qualitative Research Software for GNUstep
gtk-chtheme (0.3.1-4) [universe]
GTK+ 2.0 theme changer and previewer utility
gtk-redshift (1.2-2) [universe]
Adjusts the color temperature of your screen
gtk-smooth-themes (0.5.8-2.3ubuntu1) [universe]
A set of themes for the Smooth GTK+ Engine
gtk-theme-switch (2.1.0-2) [universe]
GTK+ theme switching utility
gtk2-engines-aurora (1.5.1-1) [universe]
Aurora gtk+-2.0 theme engine
gtk2-engines-equinox (1.20-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Equinox GTK+ theme engine
gtk2-engines-moblin (1.1.1-1) [universe]
gtk2 engines for moblin
gtk2-engines-murrine (
cairo-based gtk+-2.0 theme engine
gtk2-engines-wonderland (1.0-8) [universe]
Wonderland theme for GTK+-2.0
gtk2-engines-xfce (2.6.0-2) [universe]
A GTK+-2.0 theme engine for Xfce
gtk2.0-examples (2.22.0-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Examples files for the GTK+ 2.0
gtkatlantic (0.4.2-3) [universe]
Game like Monopoly
gtkcookie (0.4-3) [universe]
Editor for cookie files
gtkguitune (0.8-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Guitar and other instruments tuner
gtklp (1.2.7-2.1) [universe]
printing tool for CUPS on the GNOME Desktop
gtktrain (0.9b-13) [multiverse]
The train-routing calculator with GTK+ interface
gtodo (0.16.0~rc2-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
GNOME to-do list manager
guake (0.4.2-2ubuntu1) [universe]
A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment
gucharmap (1:2.32.0-0ubuntu1)
Unicode character picker and font browser
gutsy-wallpapers (0.21) [universe]
Gutsy Wallpapers
guymager (0.4.2-2) [universe]
Forensic imaging tool based on Qt
gvidm (0.8-9) [universe]
quickly and easily change video resolutions in X
gvncviewer (0.4.1-3ubuntu2) [universe]
VNC viewer using gtk-vnc
gwaterfall (0.1-4ubuntu1) [universe]
View all characters of a font in all sizes
gworkspace-apps-wrappers (0.8.6-1build2) [universe]
Application wrappers for GWorkspace
gworkspace.app (0.8.6-1build2) [universe]
GNUstep Workspace Manager
gxneur (0.9.9-1) [universe]
GTK+ frontend for xneur keyboard layout switcher
habak (0.2.5-3) [universe]
utility for creating multi-layered backgrounds in X11
hardinfo (0.5.1-1.1ubuntu3) [universe]
Displays system information
hildon-control-panel (1:1.9.5-1ubuntu9) [universe]
Hildon Control Panel
hildon-desktop (1:2.0.19.debian.1-3ubuntu2) [universe]
Desktop environment for embedded devices
hildon-desktop-dev (1:2.0.19.debian.1-3ubuntu2) [universe]
Development files for the Hildon Desktop
hildon-icons (2.1.debian-3) [universe]
Default Hildon icon theme for maemo's SDK
hildon-theme-layout-4 (0.14.9.debian.1-2) [universe]
A layout file for making themes for the maemo 4 platform
hildon-theme-plankton (4.14.5.debian.1-1) [universe]
Plankton Hildon theme
hildon-theme-tools (0.5.2.debian.1-2) [universe]
Tools for developing Hildon themes
hotkeys ( [universe]
A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X
hpanel (0.3.2-1) [universe]
minimalist panel for X
hsetroot (1.0.2-1) [universe]
tool for compose root-pixmaps for X11
human-icon-theme (0.36) [universe]
Human Icon theme
human-netbook-theme (0.16) [universe]
Human Netbook theme
human-theme (0.39.1)
Human theme
i3 (3.e-bf1-2) [universe]
metapackage (i3 window manager, screen locker, menu, statusbar)
i3-wm (3.e-bf1-2) [universe]
an improved dynamic tiling window manager
i3lock (1.0-1) [universe]
a slightly improved version of slock
ical2sqlite (0.1-0ubuntu1) [universe]
iPod Touch & iPhone Calendar syncing utility
icewm (1.3.7~pre2-1) [universe]
wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager
icewm-common (1.3.7~pre2-1) [universe]
wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager
icewm-experimental (1.3.7~pre2-1) [universe]
wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager
icewm-lite (1.3.7~pre2-1) [universe]
wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager
icewm-themes (1.2.26-1) [universe]
Theme files for the Ice Window Manager
icontool (0.1.0-0ubuntu1) [universe]
tools for maintaining icons in software projects
idesk (0.7.5-4.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Program to show icons on the desktop
idjc (0.8.3-1ubuntu1) [multiverse]
graphical shoutcast/icecast client
im-switch (1.20ubuntu2)
Input method switch framework
impressive (0.10.3~WIP+svn31-1) [universe]
PDF presentation tool with eye candies
industrialtango-theme (0.1-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Industrial Tango GTK theme
intel-gpu-tools (1.0.2+git20100324-0ubuntu1)
tools for debugging the Intel graphics driver
isdnutils-xtools (1:3.12.20071127-0ubuntu6) [universe]
ISDN utilities that use X
italc-client (1: [universe]
Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers (client part)
italc-master (1: [universe]
Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers (master part)
ivtv-utils (1.4.1-1) [multiverse]
utilities for use with the ivtv kernel driver

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