
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: tutti i programmi dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System, quinta puntata.

Tutti i programmi, utility e librerie dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System. presenti nella nuova release targata Ubuntu: Maverick Meerkat.

Un window manager è un programma che gestisce l'aspetto e la posizione di una finestra nel X Window System, un sistema grafico usato principalmente sotto Unix.

Chi scopre il mondo Linux rimane favorevolmente colpito dal grande numero di window manager a disposizione dell'ambiente grafico X-Windows. E così si cerca di provarli tutti, finendo per avere sull'hard disk decine di mega occupati.

Vediamo quello che si adatta meglio alle nostre esigenze.

In questa quinta puntata dai popolari Plymouth e Rxvt all'ultima versione di Pekwm passando per altri windows manager un po' meno conosciuti ma non meno validi come pclock, pauker, peace ed altri comandi e utility.

In questa quinta puntata, in ordine alfabetico da Parti a Rxvt.

parti (0.0.6-0ubuntu8) [universe]
Parti window manager
password-gorilla (1.4-4.1) [universe]
a cross-platform password manager
pauker (1.8+dfsg-4) [universe]
generic card based learning program
pcf2bdf (1.04-2ubuntu2) [universe]
convert X11 font from PCF to BDF format
pclcomp (0.99.1-1) [universe]
X client - pclcomp
pclock (0.13.1-6) [universe]
clock dock app for Window Maker window manager
pcmanx-gtk2 (0.3.9-2ubuntu2) [universe]
user-friendly telnet client mainly targets BBS users
pdfshuffler (0.5-1ubuntu1) [universe]
merge, split and re-arrange pages from PDF documents
peace-gdm-theme (0.2-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Peace look - GDM theme
peace-look (0.2-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Peace look - metapackage
peace-session-splashes (0.2-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Peace look - Session splashes
peace-theme (0.2-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Peace look - GTK and Metacity theme
peace-wallpapers (0.2-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Peace look - Wallpapers
pekwm (0.1.12-1) [universe]
Fast & Light Window Manager
pekwm-themes (1.0.5-1) [universe]
Themes for the pekwm window manager
perlpanel (1:0.9.1+cvs20051225-2ubuntu1) [universe]
lean menu and launcher panel written in Perl and Gtk2
pia (3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1) [universe]
movie player for xawtw
plasmidomics (0.2.0-2) [universe]
draw plasmids and vector maps with PostScript graphics export
plymouth (0.8.2-2ubuntu5)
graphical boot animation and logger - main package
plymouth-label (0.8.2-2ubuntu5)
graphical boot animation and logger - label control
plymouth-theme-fade-in (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - fade-in theme
plymouth-theme-glow (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - glow theme
plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text (0.8.2-2ubuntu5)
graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-text theme
(0.11) [universe]
plymouth theme for Lubuntu
plymouth-theme-sabily (1.1) [universe]
plymouth theme for Sabily
plymouth-theme-script (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - script theme
plymouth-theme-solar (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - solar theme
plymouth-theme-spinfinity (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - spinfinity theme
plymouth-theme-text (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - text theme
graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text (0.8.2-2ubuntu5)
graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio (0.38.3) [universe]
Ubuntu Studio Plymouth theme
(10.10.6) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - xubuntu-logo theme
plymouth-x11 (0.8.2-2ubuntu5) [universe]
graphical boot animation and logger - X11 interface
pnee (3.06-1) [universe]
X event recorder/replayer - GNOME panel applet
pngphoon (1.1-1) [universe]
Creates a png file with the current phase of the moon
polymer (0.3.2-4) [universe]
Port of the KDE style "Plastik" depending on Qt only
pondus (0.7.2-1) [universe]
personal weight manager for GTK+2
project-x (0.90.4dfsg-0ubuntu5) [universe]
DVB demuxing tool
pspresent (1.3-4) [universe]
fullscreen PostScript presentation tool
pterm (0.60+2010-02-20-1) [universe]
PuTTY terminal emulator
pyntor (0.6-3) [universe]
flexible and componentized presentation program
python-compizconfig (0.8.4-2ubuntu2) [universe]
Compizconfig bindings for python
pytrainer (1.7.1-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
The Free Sport Training Center
qbrew (0.4.1-2) [universe]
Homebrewer's recipe calculator
qelectrotech (0.22+svn897-1) [universe]
Electric schematic editor
qelectrotech-data (0.22+svn897-1) [universe]
symbols needed for qelectrotech
qelectrotech-examples (0.22+svn897-1) [universe]
examples files for qelectrotech
qgit (2.3-1ubuntu2) [universe]
Qt application for viewing GIT trees
qimo-wallpaper (2.0.0-ubuntu1) [universe]
Desktop wallpaper for Qimo
qlandkartegt (0.18.3-1) [universe]
GPS mapping (GeoTiff and vector) and GPSr management
qlix (0.2.6-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Manage MTP devices
qlix-dbg (0.2.6-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Debugging information for the Qlix package
qmf-examples (1.0~2010w35-1) [universe]
Qt Messaging Framework (QMF) examples
qorganizer (3.1.4-2) [universe]
featured lightweight graphical organizer
qorganizer-translations (3.1.4-2) [universe]
featured lightweight graphical organizer (translations)
qps ( [universe]
Visual process status monitor
qstardict (0.12.9-1) [universe]
International dictionary written using Qt4
qt3-assistant (3:3.3.8-b-6ubuntu2) [universe]
The Qt3 assistant application
qt3-qtconfig (3:3.3.8-b-6ubuntu2) [universe]
The Qt3 Configuration Application
qt4-demos (4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4)
Qt 4 examples and demos
qt4-qtconfig (4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4) [universe]
Qt 4 configuration tool
qtemu (2.0~alpha1-1ubuntu3) [universe]
graphical user interface for QEMU
qterm (1:0.5.11-1) [universe]
BBS client for X Window System written in Qt
qtm (1.1.1-1build1) [universe]
Web-log interface program
qtmobility-examples (1.0.2-2) [universe]
Qt Mobility examples
qtnx (0.9-3) [universe]
NX client for QT
qwo (0.5-2) [universe]
An efficient input method for touch screens
rabbit (0.6.4-2) [universe]
presentation tool using RD, a simple text format
rabbit-mode (0.6.4-2) [universe]
Emacs-lisp rabbit-mode for writing RD document using Rabbit
rapidsvn (0.12.0dfsg-2) [universe]
A GUI client for subversion
ratmenu (2.3.20) [universe]
Creates X menus from the shell
ratpoison (1.4.5-2) [universe]
keyboard-only window manager
rdesktop (1.6.0-3ubuntu2)
RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server
recoll (1.13.04-3) [universe]
Personal full text search package with a Qt GUI
redet (8.26-1.1) [universe]
regular expression development and execution tool
redshift (1.2-2) [universe]
Adjusts the color temperature of your screen
resilience-theme (0.1-0ubuntu3) [universe]
Resilience GTK+ theme
rhinote (0.7.2-1) [universe]
virtual sticky-notes for your desktop
root-tail (1.2-3) [universe]
Displays select log files in the X root window
rox-filer (1:2.10-1.1fakesync1) [universe]
A simple graphical file manager for X11
roxterm (1.18.5-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Multi-tabbed GTK/VTE terminal emulator
rss-glx (0.9.1-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Really Slick Screensavers GLX Port
rubrica (2.0-1.1) [universe]
An addressbook for the GNOME desktop
rxvt (1:2.6.4-14) [universe]
VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System
rxvt-beta (2.7.10-6) [universe]
VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System
rxvt-ml (1:2.6.4-14) [universe]
multi-lingual VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System
rxvt-unicode (9.07-2) [universe]
RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode support
virtual package provided by rxvt-unicode-ml, rxvt-unicode-lite
rxvt-unicode-lite (9.07-2) [universe]
RXVT-like terminal emulator with basic Unicode support
rxvt-unicode-ml (9.07-2) [universe]
multi-lingual terminal emulator with Unicode support for X11

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