
Kaffeine 0.86, lettore multimediale per il desktop KDE completo e semplice da utilizzare.

Kaffeine è il più completo lettore multimediale per sistemi Unix-like che usano KDE (K Desktop Environment).

Il back-end predefinito di Kaffeine è basato sulla xine-lib. Può anche usare KPlayer se installato. Con la versione 0.7 è stato aggiunto il supporto a Gstreamer, e ora è in grado di utilizzare i tre più usati media framework per Linux. Questi tre media framework permettono di riprodurre quasi tutti i formati audio e video, tuttavia alcuni di questi sono eseguibili con codec proprietari.

Permette lo streaming online e l'esecuzione di DVB, DVD, VCD e CD audio.

Tramite il pacchetto Kaffeine-mozilla è possibile integrare il player in Firefox o derivati.
Oltre a leggere files video locali, DVDVideo, VideoCD, DivX, Xvid e contenuti trasmessi in streaming, Kaffeine si interfaccia perfettamente alle schede TV analogiche e DVB-T e DVB-S, per poter ricevere i programmi del digitale terrestre e satellitare.

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Kaffeine News

Kaffeine and KDE 4

Yes, we are working on the KDE 4 version.

And yes, it will use Phonon.
This will take some time because:
- We are rewriting most of the code to introduce new features.
- Phonon does not yet support all the features we need.

Be patient, and stay tuned !

Kaffeine 0.8.6 released

This is the last KDE3 release.

It requires xine-lib=>1.1.9


* kaffeine: new jpeg logo (the animated one is renamed logo.avi)
* xine-part: added fastforward/slowmotion dcop calls, Vaclav Juza
* xine-part: added --without-xcb configure flag (e.g. if you want to use opengl)
* xine-part: escape special chars
* DVB: single click displays current/next for that channel
* DVB: send diseqc commands twice
* DVB: added epg plugins support
* xine-part: improved seeking
* xine-part: added screen resolution settings
* DVB: fix device probing

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The playlist window. Here you can easily create playlists by just dragging some files or folders from the upper left file browser and drop it onto the playlist.


You can choose to hide the file browser to get a larger visualization.

Or hide the playlist and simply double click on a file to play it.

Or hide all but the playlist!

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Enjoy watching DVDs with full navigation menus.

If you have DVB devices, you will be presented the DVB configuration dialog and, a few steps later, you will just watch digital TV!

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In this window, you start scanning for DVB channels and choose which ones to add to your channels list.

That's it! Digital TV!

Feel free to watch TV in minimal mode and read program description on screen!

When in minimal mode, a middle mouse button click on the video brings up the controls bars.

The Xine configuration dialog allows you to set all xine parameters, and even more!

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