
Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala: tutti i programmi dedicati al web software, sesta e ultima puntata

Tutti i programmi dedicati al web software presenti nella nuova release targata Ubuntu: Karmic Koala.

In questa quarta puntata dal navigatore più popolare Magpierss a Qdbm ad altri un po' meno conosciuti ma non meno validi come abrowser ed altri comandi e utility.

Un Web server non è altro che un software installato in un server con la funzione di elaborare pagine web e generare dinamicamente contenuti.

Le semplici pagine .htm non necessitano di particolari interventi da parte del Web server, il loro codice viene interpretato dal browser del computer client e per questo l'html è definito come un linguaggio client side. Le pagine .php o .asp, contengono dei codici destinati a produrre dei comportamenti e a generare dinamicamente html, perchè ciò sia possibile è necessaria la mediazione di un Web server; PHP e ASP vengono quindi definiti linguaggi server side.

Esemplificando, quando si invia ad un Web server la richiesta di una pagina .htm, statica, esso:
  1. riconosce la richiesta
  2. cerca e, se presente, trova la pagina nel computer server
  3. invia la pagina al browser.
Nel caso di una pagina dinamica, invece, il Web server:
  1. riconosce la richiesta
  2. cerca e trova la pagina all'interno del server Web
  3. esegue le istruzioni contenute all'interno del codice producendo dinamicamente contenuti
  4. invia la pagina browser.
La differenza salta immediatamente agl'occhi.

td2planet (0.1.0-4) [universe]
Ruby-based server-side blog aggregator
tdiary (2.2.1-1+lenny1build0.9.10.1) [universe] [security]
a communication-friendly weblog system
tdiary-contrib (2.2.1-1+lenny1build0.9.10.1) [universe] [security]
Plugins of tDiary to add functionalities
tdiary-mode (2.2.1-1+lenny1build0.9.10.1) [universe] [security]
tDiary editing mode for Emacsen
tdiary-plugin (2.2.1-1+lenny1build0.9.10.1) [universe] [security]
Plugins of tDiary to add functionalities
tdiary-theme (2.2.1-1+lenny1build0.9.10.1) [universe] [security]
Themes of tDiary to change the design
textpattern (4.0.6-3) [universe]
flexible and easy-to-use content management system
thin (1.2.2-1) [universe]
fast and very simple Ruby web server (metapackage)
thin1.8 (1.2.2-1) [universe]
fast and very simple Ruby web server (ruby 1.8 version)
thttpd (2.25b-6) [universe]
tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
thttpd-util (2.25b-6) [universe]
tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server (utilities)
thunderbird-locale-af (1:
Thunderbird Afrikaans language/region package
thunderbird-locale-be (1:
Thunderbird Belarusian language/region package
thunderbird-locale-ga-ie (1:
Thunderbird Irish language/region package
thunderbird-locale-he (1:
Thunderbird Hebrew language/region package
thunderbird-locale-ko (1:
Thunderbird Korean language/region package
thunderbird-locale-lt (1:
Thunderbird Lithuanian language/region package
thunderbird-locale-nn-no (1:
Thunderbird Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian language/region package
thunderbird-locale-pt-pt (1:
Thunderbird Portuguese language/region package
thunderbird-locale-ro (1:
Thunderbird Romanian language/region package
thunderbird-locale-uk (1:
Thunderbird Ukrainian language/region package
thunderbird-locale-zh-tw (1:
Thunderbird Chinese language/region package
tidy (20081224cvs-1)
HTML syntax checker and reformatter
tightvnc-java (1.2.7-8) [multiverse]
TightVNC java applet and command line program
tilecache (2.03-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
a web map tile caching system
tinymce ( [universe]
platform independent web based Javascript/HTML WYSIWYG editor
tinymce2 (2.1.3-1) [universe]
platform independent web based Javascript/HTML WYSIWYG editor
tntnet (1.6.3-4) [universe]
modular, multithreaded web application server for C++
tntnet-runtime (1.6.3-4) [universe]
Tntnet runtime system
tomboy-blogposter (0.4.3-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Tomboy addin for posting notes to a blog
torbutton-extension (1.2.1-1ubuntu2) [universe]
firefox extension enabling 1-click toggle of Tor usage
torrentflux (2.4-3) [universe]
web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager
totem-mozilla (2.28.1-0ubuntu4)
Totem Mozilla plugin
trac (0.11.5-2ubuntu1.1) [universe] [security]
Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects
trac-ja-resource ( [universe]
Japanese resources for trac
turba2 (2.3.1-1) [universe]
contact management component for horde framework
twiki (1:4.1.2-5ubuntu1) [universe]
A Web Based Collaboration Platform
twiki-ldapcontrib (2.99.5-7) [universe]
LDAP services for TWiki
typo3 (4.2.6-1) [universe]
Powerful content management framework (Meta package)
typo3-dummy (4.2.5-1) [universe]
Empty TYPO3 site package for starting a new site from scratch
typo3-src-4.2 (4.2.6-1) [universe]
Powerful content management framework (Core)
ubufox (0.8-0ubuntu1)
Ubuntu Firefox specific configuration defaults and apt support
ukolovnik (1.1-1) [universe]
Simple todo manager using PHP and MySQL
urlwatch (1.7-1ubuntu1) [universe]
tool for monitoring webpages for updates
usemod-wiki (1.0-9) [universe]
Perl-based Wiki clone
useragentswitcher (0.6.11-0ubuntu2) [universe]
user agent switcher extension for the Firefox web browser
varnish (2.0.4-2) [universe]
a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator
vdradmin-am (3.6.4-1) [universe]
Web-based administration tool for vdr
velocity (1.6.2-3) [universe]
Java-based template engine for web application
velocity-doc (1.6.2-3) [universe]
Documentation for velocity
visitors (0.7-5) [universe]
fast web server log analyzer
vlogger (1.3-3) [universe]
virtual web logfile rotater/parser
w3c-linkchecker (4.3-1) [universe]
W3C Link Checker
w3c-markup-validator (0.7.4-5.2) [universe]
W3C Markup Validator
w3cam (0.7.2-6) [universe]
a simple CGI to retrieve images from video4linux device
w3m-el (1.4.4-9) [universe]
simple Emacs interface of w3m
virtual package provided by w3m-el-snapshot
w3m-el-snapshot (1.4.344+0.20090405-1) [universe]
simple Emacs interface of w3m (development version)
wap-wml-tools (0.0.4-5) [multiverse]
Wireless Markup Language development and test tools
wapua (0.06-1.1) [universe]
Web browser for WAP WML pages
wdg-html-validator (1.6.2-6) [universe]
WDG HTML Validator
webalizer (2.01.10-32.5ubuntu1) [universe]
web server log analysis program
webauth-tests (3.6.0-1build1) [universe]
Tests for the WebAuth authentication modules
webauth-utils (3.6.0-1build1) [universe]
Command-line utilities for WebAuth authentication
webauth-weblogin (3.6.0-1build1) [universe]
Central login server for WebAuth authentication
webcalendar (1.2.0+dfsg-4) [universe]
PHP-Based multi-user calendar
webcheck (1.10.3) [universe]
website link and structure checker
webdruid (0.5.4-8) [universe]
A web server log file analysis tool
webfav (1.16-0ubuntu1)
Firefox extension for saving web favorites (bookmarks)
webfs (1.21-5.1) [universe]
lightweight http server for static content
webgen (0.3.8-3) [universe]
A template based static website generator
webgen0.4 (0.4.7-3) [universe]
A template based static website generator
webgen0.4-doc (0.4.7-3) [universe]
A template based static website generator
webgui (7.6.27-1) [universe]
Content management platform to maintain complex web sites
webhttrack (3.43.5-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web interface
webhttrack-common (3.43.5-1ubuntu1) [universe]
webhttrack common files
webissues-server (0.8.4-3) [universe]
a network system supporting team collaboration (server)
webmagick (2.02-10) [universe]
create gallery thumbnails for website
websec (1.9.0-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Web Secretary - Web page monitoring software with highlighting
wfo (0.1-2) [universe]
Offline editing tool for Wiki pages and blogs
wget (1.11.4-2ubuntu2)
retrieves files from the web
wget-el (0.5.0-7) [universe]
interface for wget on Emacsen
wiliki (0.5.3-1) [universe]
Yet another Wiki clone written in Scheme
wims (3.62-13.1) [universe]
WWW Interactive Mathematics Server (WIMS)
wims-extra-all (3.62-6) [universe]
extra modules for Wims
wims-extra-es (3.62-4) [universe]
Spanish modules for WIMS
wims-modules (3.62-13.1) [universe]
modules used by the WIMS server
witty (2.2.4-2) [universe]
C++ library and application server for web applications [runtime]
witty-dbg (2.2.4-2) [universe]
C++ library and application server for web applications [debug]
wmf (1.0.5-6) [universe]
Web Mail Folder
wml (2.0.11ds1-0.4) [universe]
off-line HTML generation toolkit
wordpress (2.8.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
weblog manager
wput (0.6-1.1build1) [universe]
A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files
wwwconfig-common (0.2.1) [universe]
Debian web auto configuration
wwwoffle (2.9d-3build1) [universe]
World Wide Web OFFline Explorer
xapian-omega (1.0.13-1) [universe]
CGI search interface and indexers using Xapian
yaws (1.82-2) [universe]
High performance HTTP 1.1 webserver written in Erlang
yaws-chat (1.82-2) [universe]
Chat application for Yaws web server
yaws-mail (1.82-2) [universe]
Webmail application for Yaws web server
yaws-wiki (1.82-2) [universe]
Wiki application for Yaws web server
yaws-yapp (1.82-2) [universe]
An easy way to deploy applications for Yaws web server
yocto-reader (0.9.4) [universe]
web based RSS reader
youtube-dl (2008.03.22-1) [universe]
download videos from youtube.com
zend-framework (1.9.4-0ubuntu2.1) [universe] [security]
a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5
zend-framework-bin (1.9.4-0ubuntu2.1) [universe] [security]
a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5
zope-atextensions (0.9.2-2) [universe]
Extensions to Archetypes in Zope
zope-cachefu (1.2-1) [universe]
suite of Zope products for speeding up Plone
zope-cmfbibliographyat (0.8.0-3) [universe]
A Bibliography management product for Zope/CMF/Plone
zope-common (0.5.46ubuntu1) [universe]
common settings and scripts for Zope installations
zope-cookiecrumbler (1.2-7) [universe]
Use cookies even when folder doesn't support cookies
zope-docfindertab (1.0.2-1) [universe]
Find documentation for a Zope product using a doc tab
zope-externaleditor (0.9.3-3) [universe]
Zope External Editor
zope-formulator (1.11.3-2) [universe]
tool to create and validate web forms in zope
zope-ldapmultiplugins (1.6-1) [universe]
LDAP plugin for Zope/Plone
zope-ldapuserfolder (2.9-1) [universe]
LDAP user and group source for Zope/Plone
zope-linguaplone (2.1.1-1) [universe]
multilingual and translation solution for plone
zope-maildrophost (2.2-1) [universe]
send mails from within Zope through a mail queue
zope-mysqlda (3.1-1) [universe]
A Database Adapter for connecting Zope and MySQL
zope-plone3 (3.1.7-1) [universe]
content management system based on zope and cmf
zope-ploneformgen (1.2.7-1) [universe]
A generic Plone form generator
zope-ploneldap (1.0-1) [universe]
LDAP integration for Plone
zope-quotafolder (0.1.1+0-1) [universe]
folder based quota system for Zope
zope-replacesupport (1.0.3-4) [universe]
Add search and replace functionality to TTW Zope objects
zope-scriptablefields (1.1.3-1) [universe]
Zope tool bundle for working with component Logic
zope-textindexng3 (1:3.2.2-1ubuntu1) [universe]
full text index for Zope objects
zope-textindexng3-lib (1:3.2.2-1ubuntu1) [universe]
full text index for Zope objects
zope-tinytableplus (0.9-19) [universe]
Present tabular data in Zope
zope-zms (1:2.11.1-03-1) [universe]
Content management for science, technology and medicine
zope-zwiki (0.61.0-1) [universe]
WikiWikiWeb implementation for Zope
zope2.10 (2.10.9-1) [universe]
Open Source Web Application Server
zope2.10-sandbox (2.10.9-1) [universe]
sandbox instance for the zope2.10 web application server
zopeedit (0.9.3-3) [universe]
Helper Application for Zope External Editor
zoph (0.7.5-1) [universe]
Web based digital image presentation and management system

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