
Dopo quasi un anno e qualche incertezza sul suo futuro torna XSane con la nuova release 0.996

Dopo quasi un anno e qualche incertezza sul suo futuro torna XSane, più forte che mai con la nuova release 0.996 e qualche bugfix.

this version fixes some bugs:

  • corrected bug in PDF documents
  • viewer window does not use full screen without window frame for large images any more
Vediamo le news: 7 aggiornamenti durante il 2007 uno solo per il 2008. Speriamo non sia un brutto presaggio:

2008 Sep 21: release xsane-0.996:

this version fixes some bugs:

  • corrected bug in PDF documents
  • viewer window does not use full screen without window frame for large images any more

2007 Nov 21: release xsane-0.995:

this version comes with some new featrues and fixes some bugs:

  • several layout changes
  • email mode: it is allowed to specify multiple mail receivers
  • scanning and conversion speed is increased on several machines
  • hang/infinite loop problem that occured with some scanners is solved
  • translation updates

2007 Mar 05: bugfix release xsane-0.994:

this version fixes two bugs

  • crash when start scanning (when no ICC/ICM scanner profile is defined)
  • postscript output does not work when printed
This version should still be considered as instable.
When color management is enabled in grayscale mode you will get error messages and strange results!

2007 Mar 04: crash with sane-0.993:

When no ICC/ICM profile is defined then xsane crahses when a scan is started. There is no way to solve this problem when color management (lcms) is not compiled in. When color management is compiled in then you can go to preferences/setup/color management and enter an ICC/ICM color profile for the scanner.
A fixed version will be released soon.

2007 Mar 03: postscript bug in xsane-0.993 found:

While appling color management support to the postscript code there was introduced a bug. The created postscript files don`t work in some cases. This also breaks the usability of the copy mode. The bug will be fixed as soon as possible. If you find any other bug please report it immediately then I can try to fix it before the next xsane release.

2007 Feb 26: xsane-0.993 source released:

This is a beta-test release.
  • A lot of color management improvements (CMS still in beta test):
    • embedded profiles for postscript and PDF
    • convert to sRGB
    • convert to working color space
  • 12 bits/channel support for postscript
  • usage of new gtk_file_chooser
  • added browse function for project directories
  • removed bug in e-mail mode
You may be interested in the Adobe ICC profiles for linux

2007 Feb 11: e-mail bug in xsane-0.992 found:

XSane tells you the mail has been sent but in fact it was not accepted by the mailserver. So you think the mail has been sent but it has not been sent!
The bug will be fixed in xsane-0.993, but I still have to do some work on xsane-0.993 before it will be released.
When you need the email mode of xsane please use xsane-0.991 until xsane-0.993 is released.

2007 Jan 25: xsane-0.992 source released

The most important change is rudimentary color management support. Some bugs and compiler warnings have been fixed.
Please consider this version as beta-code, it may crash or produce unexpected results, especially with color management enabled.

2006 Jan 29: xsane-0.991 OS/2 binary released by Franz Bakan

2006 Jan 28: xsane-0.991 WIN32 binary released

2006 Jan 23: xsane-0.991 source released

This version contains some bugfixes.

2006 Jan 09: xsane-0.99 source released

This version can create multipage documents and contains an improved automatic document feeder (ADF) handling, ASMTP support and some bugfixes.

2005 Dec 04: xsane-0.98b WIN32-binary released

It took me a lot of time to create this version. It is compiled with gtk+-2.8.7, the gimp-plugin is compiled with gimp-2.2.9. Short tests looked very well.

2005 Dec 03: xsane-0.98b source released

It contains the following bugfix that you simply can apply by hand:
file src/xsane-front-gtk.h:
     extern int xsane_set_resolution(int well_known_option, double resolution);
     extern double xsane_set_resolution(int well_known_option, double resolution);

2005 Nov 22: xsane-0.98a source released

This version contains a bugfix for the gimp plugin.

2005 Nov 20: xsane-0.98 source released

This version contains several bugfixes and improvements like PDF and compressed postscript support.

2005 Jan 22: xsane-0.97 source released

This version contains some bugfixes.

2004 Sep 06: xsane-0.96 source and WIN32-binary released

This version contains several bugfixes and improvements, especially for the fax mode and the email mode.

When you update from xsane-0.93 or earlier then please remove the configuration file ~/.sane/xsane/xsane.rc before you start xsane the first time.

Introduzione a XSane

XSane è un altro front end per SANE-1.0.15. Presenta caratteristiche aggiuntive per migliorare la qualità delle immagini la faciltà d'uso rispetto a xscanimage.

Informazioni sul pacchetto

Dipendenze per XSane


GTK+-2.6.4 o GTK+-1.2.10 e SANE-1.0.15 (back end)


libtiff-3.7.1, libjpeg-6b e GIMP-2.2.3

Installazione di XSane

Installare XSane eseguendo i seguenti comandi:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&

Offerte telefono + ADSL di TELE2

Ora, come utente roor:

make install

Se si è installato GIMP, dare il seguente comando come utente root:

ln -s /usr/bin/xsane /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins 

Spiegazione dei comandi

ln -s /usr/bin/xsane /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/: Questo crea un link alla directory plug-ins di GIMPXSane direttamente da GIMP. Affinché ciò funzioni, GIMP deve essere disponibile prima di costruire XSane. In alternativa, creare il link a ~/.gimp-2.0/plug-ins/ per fornire accesso individuale agli utenti. man xsane per ulteriori informazioni. in modo che gli utenti possono accedere a

Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) è una API per il controllo di Scansionatori d'immagine (flatbed scanner, handheld scanner, videocamere, ecc.). SANE è di dominio pubblico e il suo sviluppo è aperto a tutti.

A differenza dello standard TWAIN, SANE separa frontend (programmi utenti, applicazioni) e backend (driver degli scanner) rendendone facile l'utilizzo via rete.

Il codice sorgente di SANE è stato scritto per sistemi UNIX (incluso GNU/Linux) ed è regolato dalla licenza GPL (General Public License). Esistono versioni di SANE anche per MacOS X e OS/2.

Con SANE è possibile scrivere un solo driver per dispositivo di acquisizione d'immagine, indipendentemente dall'applicazione che usa tale dispositivo. Così, se si hanno 3 applicazioni e 4 dispositivi, tradizionalmente si dovrebbero scrivere 12 programmi diversi, ma con SANE tale numero si riduce a 7: le 3 applicazioni più i 4 driver. Perciò SANE è considerata un'interfaccia universale.

Frontend per SANE
  • XSane
  • Kooka
  • xscanimage
  • scanlite
  • FlScan
  • OpenOffice.org
  • QuiteInsane
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